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Author-I advise you to read the intro to understand Chapter 1

Y/n pov

"They signed the contract without reading the criteria, but what they did know was if they did anything to jeopardize the business we would take their fortune, life, and offspring." The man words kept replaying in my head over and over. "How could my parents do that to me?" I said in an undertone trying to pack the stuff I need. "Hurry up we don't have all day, the flight leaves at 1 pm" a silver-haired man grumbled as I packed my bag. "Flight? Where are we going?" I asked while taking out all my sweaters to store them in the bottom of my suitcase. "You will find out when we get there" turning my head to face the person who replied my eyes met a light brown haired man sitting at my desk. His voice startles me, I would have never expected it to be so low toned but on the other hand, he did look older and mature.

Completely finish packing my suitcase I dragged it towards my bedroom door. Opening the door I remembered what was on the other side. My parents were cruel to me but to see them in that condition would make anybody dejected. I looked at the ground but the spot where they laid only bloodstains remained. "What did you do with their body!?!?" demanding answers from the 2 men in the room. I was about to ask again, but I was cut off by the same voice from earlier "Don't give us any more trouble than your parents did or you will see them very soon" the man from before hissed as he walked in the room. This was not the first time I have been threatened but the way he does it send shivers through my entire body. These people mean business I need to be careful the way I approach them. "We are leaving now do you have everything you need? This place will be burnt down after we have left". "I do, but why can I not return?" puzzled I questioned the man who towered over me. "The house will burn down because of an unattended candle that left was in your room while you were sleeping. The flame from the candle will accidentally catch fire to your bed sheet causing the fire to spread killing you and everyone inside the house" he exclaimed. "You have this all figured out don't you" murmuring I walked away from the man to pick up my headphones, unplug my phone, and phone charger. "Of course sweet cheeks." his comment made me aggravated but I ignored it. Forgetting that I still had on my sleeping clothes I walk to the bathroom to freshen up. I wore my gray hoodie, tights and my new Vans I got for Christmas. I dressed comfortably as I did not know how long I would be on the plane.

We walked down the long everlasting hallway I used to run down with my cousins when we were little. I would always cry when I fell, but they would always help me back up. My parents never had another kid, so I was always alone in this big house if my cousins were not here. Tears stained my cheek as I thought of how mournful my family would be to believe that my parents and I are gone. I took one last glimpse of the house I had known my whole life before the limo drove away. In the distance, I saw an explosion go off in the house and the fire spread burning the house and everything I loved in it.

The drive was lengthy and bothersome, three of them acted like little kids the whole car ride. The man with the silver hair glared at them whenever they had woken him up, but they didn't seem to get the message. These are the people I will have to live with for the rest of my life, so I better get used to it. Arriving at the airport we checked our bags in and waited for our plane to board. I have not eaten so hunger had hit me with a truck. "Here go buy yourself some food" the man who I first met handed me a hundred dollar bill. "I don't need that much to buy food" he put the money in my hand and told me to also buy everyone coffee. I took it and walked to the nearest coffee shop. I got 7 black coffees, 1 bottled water, and a banana. Being that I am a chubby girl, I try not to eat so much throughout the day. I took all the drinks to them and handed it out. "Thank you" I began while handing back the change to the man. He looked at me with an annoyed expression "Why are you giving me back the money? I gave it to you" he snapped. I was always told growing up to give back peoples change even if they do not ask for it back. "Okay, sorry" mumbling under my breath I sat back down in my seat by the window and plugged m phone in. I didn't realize until now that I didn't know any of their names. They were all Asian, so I guessed that their names would be different from what I am used to especially when they spoke they had an accent indicating that they were not from here.

Our plane started to board and the flight attendants began to call names for the first class seats. "Namjoon Kim, Seokjin Kim, Yoongi Min, Hoseok Jung, Jimin Park, Taehyung Kim, Jungkook Jeon, Y/n L/n..." one by one they got up and walked on to the plane. I got a good idea of who is who. Following them with my phone and charger in hand I had to sit next to Jungkook I believe his name was. He seems to be around my age but I could tell there was a gap. I took out my headphones from my pocket and plugged them into my phone. I fell asleep quickly and did not wake up for the whole ride. " Wake up" someone was shaking me like crazy. "I'm up, I'm up, I'm up. What you want?" I growled. It was Jungkook, irritation was all over his face "Get your ass up we landed, and don't ever speak to me like that or you will get a bullet in the head to match your parents" his voice intensified making me quiver. How did could he act childish yet be intimidating. I swiftly got my stuff and exited the plane behind him. His entire persona was different from when we were all in the car, but now that we stepped off the plane it is like he has become someone else entirely. This was their empire, and they knew that people cowered towards them.

Walking out of the airplane I saw signs that were in both Korean and English. I was on a whole different continent. I didn't bother to get upset since I had nowhere to go anyway.

Getting our luggage was a hassle. The workers thought they had put it on another plane so Namjoon made threats to murder their family and make their kids work for him. I tried to camouflage into the crowd of people who were watching, so I did not get judged for being with them. That did not work because Jimin noticed me trying to avoid eye contact. He walked over to me and grabbed my forearm pulling me close to him as he walked back to an enraged Namjoon and the guys. Whispers were heard from all directions of the luggage pick up area. "Isn't that BTS?" "Aren't they the mafia?" "Their kind of cute" "Who is that girl with them" "She looks like a slut". Comments and questions flood the whole room. Jimin noticed I was uncomfortable. He let go of me to talk to the girls who were talking shit. He was laughing with them for a while, but then he whispered something to one of the girls. Her face emitted to horror as if someone had ended her life right then and there. Her friends walked over to me with a doleful expression "We are sorry for what we had said" they both blurted in unison. "No, you don't have to apologize for having your own opinion. I am sorry for whatever he had said to you and your friend" shocked by their actions I apologize to. I peered at Jimin who was still whispering to the girl. He was sucking out every bit of ecstasy she had as her friends watch.

"Jimin!!!" motioning for him to come back the blonde hair man walked over chuckling like he just heard a joke. "What did you say to her" he put his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug. "Don't worry about it, I was just letting them know what would happen if I saw their face again" he claimed. "Why do you guys always terrorize people" I queried as he put his head in my neck. "It is not terrorizing if they know the rules and won't follow them" he sighed. Why were they all like this?

We got our luggage after the workers found it all the way at the back of the plane. "Please accept our apology Mr.Kim" the front desk workers quavered. They were begging for their lives as if Namjoon could end it right there. He glared at them and walked away towards the exit. I was relieved seeing that no harm came to them in any way. We followed behind him to see a limo was waiting for us outside. The chauffeur took our bags and put them in the trunks as we all got in. We drove through the city for a while. I took in all the scenery since it was my first time being in Seoul or South Korea for that matter. The city almost reminded me of Manhattan but there was something unique about this place.

My time of gazing came to an end when the limo pulled into a huge mansion. It was twice the size of my old house but it did have little things about it that made me feel at home. We got out the car and men in suits came out to greet the men who brought me here. I look around for a while still in amazement of the size of the house when a shock of reality hit me. These men are all oppressors, they were cruel to people who did not give them their way. I'm crazy to believe they will change but the constant question that goes through my head is will I be treated the same?

 I'm crazy to believe they will change but the constant question that goes through my head is will I be treated the same?

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