Chapter 16

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It's been a min since I Updated my life has changed drastically so I have not gotten to write like I want to. Hope you enjoy this chapter


My body was numb under the covers. My eyes were swollen from a night of crying. I looked over to the other side of the bed where Seung Cheol was. His spot was empty and all that was left was messy sheets that he slept on. My eyes started to water again when I have seen that he was gone as he said. “How could he leave me like this”.

Flashback- the night before

I got changed into my night close while Seung Cheol was still in the bathroom. I already know how the conversation is going to go once he comes out. He first is going to start by saying how much he loves me and how he wants to be together. Then he will bring my heart back down and say we cannot be together and that loving me was a mistake and this will jeopardize everything. 

I fucking hated it, there is not one person who doesn't take me on an emotional roller-coaster in this damn house. This back and forth dance with love and disappointment has gone on for too long. “I'm so tired of this,” I said lowly. I sat down on my bed and looked to the window for a moment. “Tired of what?”

The bathroom door opened revealing a half-naked Seung Cheol. “It's nothing important” brushing it off he went to his bag in the corner of the room. He pulled out some clothes and got dressed. “If it was nothing why did you say it?” 

I did not feel like his question needed a response so I did not say anything until he got dressed. He had said he was spending the night here. Everybody had to leave and would not be coming back until morning so he was “watching me for the night”. Watching my foot, he gets paid to do absolutely nothing that he is qualified to do. They all already know that we were more than friends but no one seems to care other than Jimin from what I have seen at least. It never bothered Jungkook, “as long as he gets his turn”.      

“Avoiding the question won't make it go away”. My mind drifted back to the here and now. Seung Cheol plugged his phone in by the tv before coming to the bed. “It really is not an important question to answer so can we just drop it” I got under the covers and turned my back towards him. “You have so much attitude tonight at least you have grown a pair of balls. So I don't have to be worried when I leave”. His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me closer.

“Leave?” my chest tightened as he said that word. “It's better if I tell you than you find out from someone else”. I sat up in bed and looked at him waiting for his response. “Tell me what!!!”. Anxiety, my body started to feel ill and week as I waited for his answer. His face became cold as I looked at him. I can tell it was hard for him too but he cannot beat around the bush when he starts to say things like this. 

“I have to go away for a while. I have a business to take care of in South America for my bosses since they cannot pack up and leave right now”. My stomach dropped and I began to feel sick. “Wwhen are you leaving?”. There was a burning sensation in my eyes and my lungs were tightening, 

“My flight is tomorrow morning...”. “Why did you not you tell me” my vision started to get blurry. I started throwing punches at him not caring where they land. “Because of this, you always start crying and hitting me with your small ass hands”. He grabbed my hands and pulled me back under the covers. “I will be back in a few months” he held onto me as I cried in his shirt. He thinks that just him leaving for a few months is something easy. The little sanity that I had was going to be ripped away from me. 

“I hate you!!!” I said in his chest. “No you don't, stop letting your emotions get to you. I cannot always be your savior”. “Then stop acting like it. Stop leading me and then leaving me. You are no better than them. Expecting me to just go along with your flow as if I cannot take all this heartache already”. 

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