Chapter 9

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I waited by the car for S.coup. Jungkook left to go back to work after explaining the future plans he had for my life. Never in my 16 years of living have anyone ever spoke that way to me since my parents planned a wedding for me to marry a man who was also a mafia leader. I didnt see his face because when he and the other leaders came I would hide in my room. Most girls seem to like that type of stuff but it just sounds gruesome to think about such things happening to yourself without having a choice or second option other than death.

I stuffed the last bit of banana in my mouth and walked over to a nearby garbage to throw out the browning banana peel. Walking back I saw the same lady from earlier making an effort to talk to S.coup once more before he left. "You are really going to treat me like this after the 3 years we spent together. The three years I gave up my whole life for you. Your such a jerk Choi Seungcheol!!!!" her eyes begin to fill up with tears come rolling down on her porcelain skin. "Get in the car" S.coup did not waste any time to open the car door and rush inside of it as the woman on the top of the staircase dropped to her knees.

She covered her face with the palms of her hands as loud wails came from her lips. I was guessing that the breakup was not easy for them both because he also looked distressed. "Where are we going?" I inquired but my question did not seem to get through to him.

He broke every light not stopping to look for pedestrians crossing. "Slow down! We could get into an accident!" he drove even faster almost hitting a man in a wheelchair. "S.coup, S.coup slow down. Please slow down!!!" I screamed his name.

A woman and her children were crossing the road at the light 15 meters ahead of us. It was like he couldn't see them because he pressed down n the gas pedal escalating the speed pass the amount it is required by more than 100 miles. All I could do is pray at this point because there is no way of saving them. Tears streamed down my face as I closed my eyes and clasped my hand together. I sputter a prayer that my father tells me to say whenever he was not there to protect me. " God my healer, my protec-".

"Lift your head up" I felt that the car was not in motion anymore. I opened one of my eyes to see that the lady and her children were walking into an ice cream shop. My heart started to get a warm tingly feeling as I watched her kids play with one another and she talks to a lady that seems to be her friend.

I was happy for the moment until I realized what S.coup just did. "You could have killed innocent people" wiping a few loose tears from my eyes I turned to the man who was pushing his hair forcefully and scowl. "And your point is?" he hissed. "They did nothing wrong" barking at him I did not notice he was starting to drive again but at a normal pace. "You think the people mommy and poppy ripped from their homes to be made into prostitutes or laborers who do not get paid, beaten continuously, and never feed were not innocent? These people will all die one day I was just making it quicker. You should thank me your sleeping buddies are doing another sweep of Korea and their taking everyone from the age of 4 to 18. Gotta train them while they are young." he smirked looking at the road. He tried to justify his actions by bringing up another problem all on its own. "How does that make you any better" glaring at him I noticed a little hint of regret on the side of his eyes as he drove. "I have killed countless numbers of people in the most brutal way possible all because that's what I was grown into and trained how to do. Your parents had the easy life before they had you. When their little business started to fail when you were 2 years old they stepped their foot into dark territory when they asked my family to help them. Naturally, father was a very kind and given person so he did not refuse their pleads but that was a mistake when your parents stabbed him in the back. I could have taken my revenge on them a long time ago by taking something away that they loved but I Could not bring myself to do it. This was not our first encounter. You saw me many times before on days that would have been your last." he stated.

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