chapter 15

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“St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil…” he walked to the last row and sat down as the priest said the closing prayers. “...May God rebuke him we humbly pray,...” an undeniably disastrous presence that came from him was sensed by the whole church but no one dared to make any movements that will give off discomfort. “... and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen” the priest says before closing service.

Time pass and the church is completely empty after everyone rushed out. Light left the city and all that is lighting up the church halls are a few candles. “Have you come to confess of your sins?” Closing his bible shut the priest looked up from his glasses to see his guest. “Pastor, your god will come before I could even skim the surface,” he says before getting up. Walking down the aisle the priest takes his bible and walks to the back room. Following behind the man pulls out a rolled blunt and lights it up. Walking into his office the priest sets his bible down on the edge of his desk before opening a cabinet. Piled high with papers and old books that collected dust he lightly pushes the cabinet letting it turn to the other side.

“What do you need Namjoon?” he says before pulling out a bottle of whiskey from the newly founded liquor cabinet that once replaced all the church's records. Pouring some into a cup. He waits for an answer that was yet to come.

“You know exactly why I am here,” he says before taking the glass he was offered. “I'm a messenger not a mind reader” the priest shrugs before sitting in his couch. “A useless one to” Namjoon scoffs. “If I do remember who was the one who told you about the attack on your factory in Dubai before it happened, or the prostitutes who were selling information, and can't forget that riot forming on the eastside because of your lit-”. “Alright, alright I get it” Namjoon sighs before slouching into a chair. “His presence was never heard of or seen, none of them for that matter. I thought you killed them like you said” the priest ice-cold stare shot at his guest. “I did. I was sure I did” he said uncertainly of himself. “Well that doesn't seem to be the case now...” the priest sipped his drink before placing it on the lamp post next to him. Pulling out a blunt from his pocket the priest lit it up. “No one is talking on the streets since I know that's what you are making this unwanted visit for” he puffed out a cloud before inhaling again.

“Dean nothing gets past your ears. How could there be nothing?” Namjoons voice became hoarse as he pushed his dusty green hair out of his face. It was obvious the lack of information was stressing him. “You know me better than anyone if I find anything going on around the city your the first to know” sighing Namjoon sat upright in his seat before slouching.

“I'm guessing that this is more than just a gang war. Last time Kris was running around you were not this tensed. Decision making was your thing and you always kept a calm and cool mind. Nothing could break you” Dean voice filled with sorrow for his long-lasting friend and schoolmate.

“When there is something worth protecting involved your gonna do everything in your power to stop the dog that bites the child,” he says before inhaling the fumes from his almost burnt out blunt.

Y/n pov

“Is there something on my mouth” I turned to the mirror and touched my lips coated in the shiny clear coconut oil gloss I got a few days ago. Seeing that there was nothing there I turned back to Jin. The confusion of what he could be staring at took over my expression. Licking his lips I felt hands on my hips. Pulling me closer he was in between my legs “Are you feeling sick?” I asked hesitantly. His perfectly parted hair fell in front of his dark brown eyes. Lifting his hair up I felt his forehead to see if he had a fever. Looking into his eyes I didn't know what to expect. Smirking he looked at my lip and then in my eyes again. Moments later he crashed his lips on mine. His warm lips on mine felt so right for some reason that I did not stop him.

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