Chapter 18

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Y/n pov 

I had packed my bags from the night before. It was just a small carry-on bag that held all my clothes for the weekend and one dress shoe in case we went out one night. I was wearing my vans and short black Adidas for most of the trip because "comfort before beauty" as Jin had said. He said we weren't doing anything out of the ordinary so I did not have to bring anything flashy. I didn't trust that so I carried a dress and shoes just in case of anything. I had my stuff already ready and was waiting for everyone to say we are leaving, I was so excited I could not contain myself. 

I had worn my leggings and oversized hoody with the new jeans jacket Tae had bought me. It was super heavy but warm. I took it off and sat on my bed. It was a bit early so I was guessing that everyone was not ready yet. Half an hour passed and no one said anything still. Then as I was putting my phone to charge Namjoon had called my phone. I answered trying to hide my disappointment, “Hello?” I said. “Hey. I know you really wanted to go on this trip this weekend but something came up and we have to push it back a while”. My heart shattered, but I held it in. “Thats fine, is everything ok?” I said feeling my voice crack. I really would not forgive myself if I started to cry about this. It could have been my period talking but I was not about to sit up here and cry about this of all things. “Yeah, we will be gone for a few days but someone will be there to watch you. If you need something just call us or ask him or the maids. “Ok, see you soon then” I hung up and then through my phone across the bed. I fell face-first into my pillow trying to hold in my tears. I was overly emotional for no reason. He didn't say we weren't going so it was a bit dramatic of me. I turned over on my back and just laid in my spot. I kicked off my boots and got under my covers. All this built-up excitement had burnt me out and my stomach was now piercing me. 

Time skip

I woke up around 2 in the afternoon with the same killer cramps. I sat up in bed and rested my head on the bed frame. "You have been sleeping all day," a voice said. I jumped and cowered in fear at the sudden intrusion. I looked over to the window seat to see a man with brown hair covering his dark eyes. 

"That's one way to treat someone you haven't seen in 2 months" he opened his bottles of water and sipped it. "I would have gotten in bed with you but you looked too comfortable" he laughed to himself. I thought I was imagining things so I rubbed my eyes and looked back to the same spot again to see it was empty. I assumed my eyes were playing tricks on me. Or maybe a memory that felt too real. 

"What was that" I murmured. "Was it me?"  Someone said beside me. He laid in my bed and looked at me. "Oh my God!!!" Stumbling to get out of bed I tripped on my covers. "What are you doing?!" He said. Looking at me from my bed. "I should be asking you that, who are you and why are you in my room acting as if we know each other so well!?" Scowling I tried to get myself untangled from my sheet. 

"What do you mean? It's me, Seungcheol, the one you love" his eyes narrowed. "Love" I choked. "Who are you? They didn't say anything about you" I wondered to myself what he was talking about. "What are you talking about did you hit your head or something? How could you forget me? We have been with each other for a year. Did they tell you to do this? Was it Jimin again?" He gritted his teeth.

I stood up and wrapped my arm around myself. "Well I did hit my head, I was told I fell down the stairs and had not woken up for a few weeks. I can't remember anything since I got here" my head started to pound. I put my head in the palm of my hand. It's like something new is happening every day. 

"And why do you think Jimin did something? I have not seen him since I woke up. He isn't a bad guy is he?" I looked at him. 

His face became pale. He rested his head on my pillow and covered his face before he sighed. "Sir what are you doing?" I questioned. He was silent for the moment. I just stood there unsure of myself waiting for a reply or something from him

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