Chapter 10

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Y/n pov:

I looked at the ceiling as I lay in my bed. Memories of the last time I have been outside my tan walls came back to me. Taehyung eyes were so cold as he strangled me. His hand was heavy when it made its way across my face roughly repeatedly. I deserved every slap he gave. He and Hoseok warned me about going down there and what I would find but still I went not preparing for what I might walk into.

Seeing those men chained up, they were covered in open wounds and burns, blood dripped out rolling over bruises. It was a horrifying sight to look upon and Taehyung and Hoseok tried to protect me from that but I went against their wishes.

All I could do is cry while the confide men sat there in the last moments of life. I don't know what happened to them but by the looks of their conditions, I doubt they would have still been alive. Many emotions threw me into a frenzy. The men I lived with killed my parents abused and used me for their own games but every part of me still felt sorry for what I did that night.

Three weeks have passed and I am still locked in my room. I don't mind being locked up but staying away from people for so long is not healthy. The only time I would see another human is when one of the maids would bring me food. I would try to make conversation but they told me that their bosses said I'm not allowed to speak to anyone until my punishment is over, whenever that will come. I lifted myself out of bed and strolled to the window. I sat in my seat and watch everyone leave the house for their business. It was Saturday so they usually go out to visit the locals for payments that were overdue. They all split up into different 3 different trucks. 2 cars followed behind each truck as they pulled out of the driveway.

My heart ached to wonder about the innocent people who watch their family be ripped away from this world all in the name of money. It is even worse when they know their lives are in these men's hands to keep and control. The heart-wrenching thought tormented my soul for years, knowing that my parents were the same not caring who they hurt for the enjoyment of what money can buy.

My owners were not coming home until 3 am tomorrow. They go to their very own strip club after their long day of killing and destroying lives and 7 lucky girls get the chance to fuck the mafia leaders all through the night as I hear the whole thing. Some were killed if the guys were not satisfied enough. Gunshots were the most common things to hear but sometimes the loud heavy clanks of knives being slammed on tables were present. 

The few girls who do it right get a little extra change but it is not like they can buy anything when they are locked up at the club they call home. A vibrating feeling on my lap pulled me away from my stares out the window. I turned my phone on to see a notification. It was a text message from S.coup.

We have been talking for the time I have been confined in my room. Even he won't come around because of the long prison term I was sentenced too. I guess I wasn't as lonely as I make it seem when I get to talk to him. He would text me every few days to see if I was still okay. I felt like lying so he could break me out of here but I don't want to get him in trouble along with myself. I read the message to myself slowly

9:00 am Coups: How's the mistress?😊

9:00 am Y/n: I am not a mistress😒

9:01 am Y/n: And yes I am ok

9:02 am Coups: You sound miserable

9:02 am Y/n: You try being in one room for 3 weeks

9:07 am Coups: Well its better than being tortured for 3 weeks so you really shouldn't complain.

9:08 am Y/N: I wish I was. At least I would be occupied.

9:08 am Coups: That can be arranged

9:09 am Y/n: I was joking

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