The Dark Riders

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Chapter 2: The Dark Riders

(The fellowship of the ring)

The next morning, Hermione asked Frodo and another hobbit by the name of Sam, if they could provide her with maps of the place, also asked them a few questions about the world she was in. Hermione knew that she found herself in a world submerged in a kind of fantastic Middle Ages with beings such as elves, dwarfs and orcs, as well as knights and magicians. Her plan was to go to Saruman's, but she found the distances were huge and discarded that plan, at least for the time being.

"Help yourself, Hermione," Sam said, offering the girl a jar of beer.

"Thanks Sam, but don't you have water to drink?"

"Are you sure, Hermione? You can get sick, it's best to drink beer," Sam replied.

"Oh, of course I'll drink it," said Hermione.

"Of course, we are in the Middle Ages, the water is not purified and you can get sick and die," Hermione thought. "I hate the Middle Ages!"

The beer was lumpy and served hot, Hermione shuddered at the sight of the drink.

"Or do you prefer cold beer?"

"No, it is not necessary, look, I can conjure water from my wand... Aguamenti," Hermione said and filled a glass with the liquid element, the hobbits were impressed.

"Wow, that's impressive!" said a hobbit that Hermione hadn't seen before.

"Yes indeed! Tell me, can you create a pheasant? I'm starving," said another unknown hobbit.

Turns out the other two hobbits were Merry and Pipin. Frodo forbade both of them (including Sam) to comment on Hermione's magical nature to anyone else. Hermione agreed with her friend that she didn't want to attract attention, much less be burned at the stake.

"I hate the Middle Ages!" Hermione thought.

"Excuse me, Frodo, could you tell me where the bathroom is?"

"Would you like to take a bath Hermione? I'll immediately prepare the bath with hot water."

"Bathe? What for? It's not May," said Pipin.

"No, it's not that, I just want to... go to the bathroom," said the blushing girl.

"Ah, I get it, Sam, put a potty in Hermione's room and don't forget the wool and the bucket of water for the hands," Frodo ordered. Hermione almost fell on her back.

"This... thank you guys," said the witch, forcing a smile, "and then where I threw the potty."

"Just throw it out the back window, but don't forget to say "water!" before you do it or you'll throw everything at someone."

"But if it's Lobelia, don't worry about giving any warning," Merry joked.

"Such a witch deserves it! Sorry Hermione I said it accidentally" Pipin apologized.

"Don't worry Pipin," Hermione said with a smile.

"I hate the Middle Ages!" the witch thought.

I hate the Middle Ages! (completed 17/17)Where stories live. Discover now