Arrival at Gondor

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Chpater 12: Arrival at Gondor

(The return of the King)

Hermione fell on her face just as she did when she went to the quidditch world championship in her world. When she got up she saw that she was standing in front of the gates of Minas Tirith.

"Who goes, identify yourself in the name of our lord Denethor!" the guards at the door shouted to her.

"My name... My name is Hermione Jean Granger! And I am the istari chestnut! I come by command of Mitrandir, Gandalf the gray to speak with your lord!"

The guards told her to wait and she had to stay in front of the huge gates for several hours until dawn.

Hermione meanwhile saw the city-fortress and was surprised, Minas Tirith did look like the fantasy castles that were shown in her fairy tales, but at a more massive level.

The gates were opened and Hermione entered the city, some guards told her that they would escort her to the seneschal and Hermione followed them.

The city was as impressive from the inside as it was from the outside and consisted of several levels, massive gates guarded both the entrance to the city and the second level, and the rest of the levels lacked these, except for the last one which led to the top of the city which consisted of a horizontal esplanade dug in the same rock, rock that divided the city into two large segments.

Throughout the entire journey Hermione suppressed the will to vomit, as people threw their organic waste out the windows and the stench was strong, at least in the city of King Théoden, the wind although cold, was constant, however in Minas Tirith, no breeze appeared.

The castle was at the base of the esplanade, Hermione entered the throne room and was amazed by the place, was not baroque style, but neoclassical with black and white polished pillars that gave the whole place a majestic and sober atmosphere at the same time.

Elegant dark blue bleachers led to the throne, but Denethor as a seneschal of the kingdom, sat at the base of the bleachers and saw Hermione severely.

Hermione was intimidated by the man's expression, it was a mixture between the disapproval expression of his teacher McGonagall and the clear aversion on Snape's face.

"Very good morning, my lord Denethor, seneschal of Gondor," Hermione said to him solemnly, giving him a bow, "I come by command of Gandalf to serve you sir."

"Good morning? Do you consider good morning the fact that the orcs are invading my kingdom?" He said, and Hermione felt as if she had been slapped.

"Excuse me, my lord, it was not my intention to offend you in any way, I regret my misguided words, I only came to help in what my humble abilities are capable," she said and Denethor's expression softened a little.

"All help is welcome, and before going into detail regarding the services you wish to render to my city, I would like to know the details by which my son Boromir, is found in the healing houses as we speak."

"Then Boromir is alive!" Hermione gleefully said, but the monarch's expression darkened again.

2Excuse me, but I am happy that Lord Boromir is safe and sound."

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