Arrival at Rivendel

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Chapter 3: Arrival at Rivendel

(The fellowship of the ring)

"Thank you, Hermione, that was very helpful," Sam said.

"We owe you our lives," Merry thanked him.

"It was nothing guys, I just hope that we get to the town quickly, those thunders that are heard do not inspire me much confidence, do you think there will be a storm?"

"Don't worry Hermione, the transporter will arrive at the landing before it begins." Frodo reassured her.

As soon as they arrived at the landing stage, a torrential rain fell on them.

"Great, we'll get soaked to the bone!" complained Pipin.

"No, we won't," said Hermione and with Impervius' spell, she waterproofed everyone's layers. The hobbits hailed Hermione and hurried to the village.



The village of Bree was walled and they had to ask permission to enter to the gate keeper of the place.

"Thank you, Mr. Filch." it slipped out of Hermione's mouth because the man was similar to the school janitor.

"How did you call me? How do you know my name? """"""

"Em, a lumberjack told us before we got here," Hermione lied. And the man let them in.

"How did you know that guy's name?" Frodo asked her.

"I accidentally left without wanting to, it turns out that the doorkeeper of my school is the same as that man, what an incredible coincidence that he also carries the same name."

Friends found the inn tavern: The Prancing Pony. The place was bohemian and the clientele looked brutal.

"Relax Hermione," said the girl to herself in a low voice, "this place is no different than a Manchester United hooligans bar or other similar team."

The five friends went to the owner of the inn, a guy named Butterbur, but he told them that Gandalf did not arrive at the place.

Friends occupied a table discussing what to do next, but Merry and Pipin were already bored and went to order some beer, while Sam made them notice that a strange man was watching. When he asked Mr. Butterbur, he told them that he was a hobo from the mountain with the nickname of "Strider".

Friends kept on talking when something caught Frodo's attention. He rushed to where Merry and Pipin were. Frodo when arguing with his friends lost his balance and fell backwards, suddenly disappeared as if he had performed the spell of Apparition, but Hermione heard no noise.

The locals were alarmed by the magic of the hobbit and were already getting violent, fortunately the hobbits invented a story and everyone believed them.

"I hate the Middle Ages," Hermione thought. "Where do you think Frodo is?"

"If you are looking for Mr. Underhill (Frodo), I saw him heading to the back room with that guy called Strider," said Butterbur.

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