A girl in Middle Earth

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Chapter 15: A girl in Middle Earth

With Sauron defeated, everyone prepared for the festivities, Aragorn wanted to do it on top of Minas Tirith, but Hermione wanted to do it in front of the fortress gates.

"We will celebrate the final defeat of Sauron, the enemy of the world for two eras. Aragorn, I want both knights, nobles and peasants to be present. Remember that Sauron not only wanted to exterminate the nobility, he wanted to kill us all," Hermione told Aragorn convincing him with this argument.

"That will mean delaying the festivities, the whole place still has the scars of war," Aragorn told her.

"You'll see how everything is cleaned up in no time at all," his wife said and Aragorn begged for that to be true.

Hermione was right, people even though they were tired of war, worked hard to celebrate a future without the horrors of the two previous eras. The camp was cleared in just a couple of days.

"Aragorn, I don't want the olifants killed."

"But Hermione, what shall we do with such monsters?"

"They are no different from the huargos or horses, they only attacked because of their masters."

"But we don't even have enough food for them."

"I think I can perform the Gemini spell, so don't worry," said Hermione, not too sure of being able to perform such a complicated spell.

Hermione performed the spell perfectly after the twenty-third time and was thus able to save the olifants. The elves helped her with the training of the beasts.



The long-awaited feast day Frodo and Sam (along with Merry and Pipin) were recovered and were the guests of honor to a celebration that was not only to rejoice at the defeat of Sauron and the end of the war, but also to celebrate the enthronement of Hermione and Aragorn as the kings of Rohan and Gondor, in addition to celebrating the marriage of the heroes.

The celebration lasted three days and three nights (not much compared to the parties that organized hobbits or dwarfs), in the end an exhausted Hermione and an even more exhausted Aragorn retired to enjoy their well deserved (and postponed) wedding night that at the end turned out to be noon weddings, because both were so tired that they went to sleep all night.

The kings at night received all the guests (nobles and peasants) and in the morning decided to give a special tribute to the hobbits. At the end of this, Hermione went to where the hobbits, they tried to make a bow but the girl was the one who bowed to them, as well as her husband and all present. Gandalf who also bowed also lifted his face and smiled paternally at the witch.

"Yes, I'm sure she'll change the world."



The fellowship stayed a month to please Hermione and she had a meeting with Gandalf the day before her friends left.

"And what is it that has you so worried about Hermione?"

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