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               Author's Note: I already know that Hermione's Patronum is an otter but first, she was traumatized to know that she would no longer see her friends and her cat; and two, I like cats, just look at my other fanfiction!




Chapter 5: Moria

(The Fellowship of the Ring)

As Hermione suspected, crossing the mountain was a colossal challenge, initially Gandalf led the way, but then she stepped forward and with the Hot Air spell, cleared the entire snow-covered trail.

"Thank you Hermione," Frodo said to her.

"Yes, you came from heaven to help us," Sam thanked her.

Friends were celebrating a red Hermione, when a storm rushed all over the place.

"I hear an enchantment," shouted Legolas, and Hermione gave him reason, Saruman's voice was heard in the storm.

Gandalf tried to counteract the curse but failed to do so.

"Can't you do anything, Hermione?" Merry pleaded.

"I don't know," said the girl who didn't think she could accomplish anything since Gandalf couldn't.

"Please try," said Pipin.

"Sunshine Luctus!" Hermione shouted, and the storm disappeared, everyone stared at Hermione with their mouths open, including Gandalf.

"I can't believe it worked!" Hermione said incredulously.

The hobbits and the others cheered for Hermione, Gandalf was still in awe.

In the end they reached an unfathomable abyss, apparently caused by the storm.

"Come on, Hermione, let us cross the abyss," said Pipin to her.

"Yes, you can do everything," Merry encouraged. Gandalf looked up at them with a frown.

"Emm, I'm sorry guys but this time there's nothing I can do, the chasm is very deep and wide," she said sadly.

"You sure you can't do anything?" Boromir asked. Hermione shook his head.

"If we can't go over the mountain, let's go under it," Gimli suggested.

In the end they left the decision of the road to take to Frodo and went to find the secret door of Moria.



They came down the whole mountain and at the end they reached the gates of Moria, magic runes shone in the moonlight, Hermione was impressed.

"Say friend and enter" translated Gandalf and proceeded to recite magic words to open the door but did not achieve anything.

"Revelio, Specialis Revelio," said Hermione and some runes shone brighter on the door.

"Friend." Said Hermione when translating those specific runes and the doors opened.

Gimli ran to Hermione and held her tighter than he should have.

I hate the Middle Ages! (completed 17/17)Where stories live. Discover now