The Battle of Helm's Abyss

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Chapter 10: The Battle of Helm's Abyss

(The two towers)

Hermione climbed up to the tower of the fortress gateway, from there she had a total view of the gateway and the side wall, the place was so high that she would be sure not to receive any arrow, while on the contrary the enemy would fall under her spells.

A torrential rain began to fall and Hermione began to realize her plan.

"Sonorus," she said, pointing her throat with her wand.


"¡MORSMORDRE!" she cried and conjured up the tenebrous mark of Voldemort, hoping it would be intimidating to draw back the orcs.

"Quietus, Pericullum." Conjured and threw dozens of red sparks into the sky

The orcs stopped in awe and fear, but the lords of the lash whipped their troops with painful lashes and the horde began to move forward.

Hermione performed several non-lethal spells, the orcs moved their feet in an uncontrolled way, vomited, were stiff, confused and so on, but the orcs killed the enchanted ones.

"Kill their own comrades!" Hermione thought and closing her eyes pointed her wand at one side of the entrance.

"Bombarda maxima." She shouted, and huge rocks falling off the side wall fell on the orcs, some panicked and tried to flee, but the lords of the lash threw their whips and began beheading anyone who tried to flee the battle.

The orc horde hastened its steps to leave the narrow entrance and not be crushed by the avalanche caused by the witch.

Hermione closed her eyes and prepared to cause as many casualties as she could.

"Bombarda máxima, bombarda máxima... Bombarda maxima," conjured over and over again. The spell effect was lethal, with the same power of a cannon, eliminating several orcs at the same time.

On the side wall, Aragorn ordered the archers to shot, which gave account of several enemies. The orc crossbowmen were trying to kill the enemy, but Hermione's spells worked perfectly and no one was killed. More than a battle it was a carnage with the orcs as the only casualties. Soon the orcs tried to climb the wall by stairs.

"Bombarda máxima, Reducto." Hermione said again and again, and no orcs could climb the wall.

A group of orcs tried to climb up the elevated path that led to the gate, they were covered by shields both above and on the sides, Hermione was reminded of the "tortoise" formation of the Roman army.

"Aqua Eructo, Glacius, Gliseo." Conjured and knocked down the orcs with a powerful stream of water, at the same time that the floor froze and the whole way became a slide.

"Well, that place is already impenetrable," Hermione said.

The orcs pointed giant crossbows at the fortress and tried to raise giant stairs to storm the tower, but Hermione's advantageous position allowed her to spot these and destroy them.

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