Hermione's desire

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Chapter 14: Hermione's desire

(The return of the King)

Gandalf was right to tell Hermione that she couldn't save everyone this time, but the casualties were minimal compared to what they would have experienced if they hadn't had the witch's help.

Aragorn healed Boromir and Faramir, and had the unfortunate task of communicating the death of his father to them. The two warriors lamented the fate of their father and bowed to Aragorn, recognizing him as king of Gondor.

Although there was reason to celebrate the victory because of the little loss of life, Gandalf called a meeting to discuss the issue of what to do next.

"We must go to the black gates of Mordor, only then the "eye" will go to that location, and not worry about seeing the surroundings of the Doom Mountain, so that Frodo will have an opportunity to carry out his mission," said the magician.

Hermione shuddered, the way Gandalf described the movement of the eye made her feel like she was just another figure in a Warcraft strategy video game, she believed she owned her destiny, but soon felt like she was controlled by a force beyond her control, and now they were planning to defeat Sauron, a god who helped create this world, a lesser god, but a god after all. Could they, simple pixelated beings destroy the player? Or would this one cheat to win the game?

Hermione shook her head to ward off these confused thoughts and she also accepted Gandalf's plan.

"Do you think Sauron will fall into the trap?" Legolas asked him.

"I see it difficult Gandalf, Sauron is not foolish, he will not go only for the presence of Aragorn," said Gimli.

"Another presence is needed," said the magician. "Who was it that frightened the nazgul when Frodo went to Rivendel? Who was the architect of Helm's victory in the abyss? Who prevented the orcs from invading Minas Tirith and annihilated the lord of the nazgul?"

Everyone looked at Hermione.

"Me?" The girl pointed her finger at herself.

"No, I mean Merry and Pipin," said the magician in an angry voice.

"But will my presence suffice to make the enemy fall into the trap?" Hermione asked, blushing and scowling.

"Your presence and that of Aragorn will not suffice, but if they go as bearers of the union of men, then we will surely make him fall into our trap."

"What do you mean Gandalf," asked Aragorn.

"You were already recognized by the sons of Denethor as the king of Gondor, and you, my friend Théoden, have no descendants and you gave a noble title to Hermione, if Rohan and Gondor go together to the black door.... If Aragorn and Hermione go together as a married couple, we will surely succeed."

A sepulchral silence remained in the atmosphere, preceded only by the noise of the jaws of Gimli and Legolas that opened considerably.

"¡WHAT!" Hermione shouted at the end as she tried to cover her face with her arms and lifted one of her legs.

"It is the only way Hermione," explained the magician. Hermione saw Aragorn who remained silent and with a strange expression on his face.

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