The mission

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Chapter 4: The mission

(The Fellowship of the Ring)

The next morning, Frodo woke up and went to meet his friends, he was very saddened to learn that his friend was trapped in Middle Earth, never being able to return to his world again. Hermione was very depressed, but she felt that nothing could be achieved by despairing and decided to occupy her mind with whatever it was that took her away from the overwhelming reality, so she devoted herself to learning the language of the elves and reading all the books she could find in Rivendel's library.

"I've never seen anything like that, Father,"Arwen informed Elrond, "her mind is like a sponge, I'm sure she'll have learned our language and writing in a week, enough to ask you to read your personal library."

"I know, and I will gladly allow it, in more than three thousand years I did not find anyone with that level of enthusiasm to learn, I myself am teaching her the runic language of dwarves since they do not teach their language to anyone."

"I hope Hermione smiles again," said Arwen with sorrow.

"The prospect of going to my library seemed to cheer her up a bit, don't worry Arwen, Hermione is strong and will soon recover."

Hermione, apart from learning elf and dwarf language, devoted herself fully to learning everything from Gandalf, and Aragorn taught her basic defense techniques with knife and shield.

Hermione was able to talk to Bilbo who was in Rivendel and he told her about his adventures when he went with the dwarves sixty years earlier.



After a couple of weeks Elrond told Hermione about the council to be held.

"So, do you want me to attend Lord Elrond?"

"Yes, members of all races will be present and I would like you to be present to see the deliberations."

"Of course Lord Elrond, it is an honor that you have invited me to the council, but will it be all right if I tell the humans that I am a witch?"

"Humans have a very primitive attitude towards magic, even Gandalf has problems relating to them, so I will present you before the council not as a witch, but as an istari."

"I understand Lord Elrond, the term witch, can be very shocking to them, as well as my origin."

"In fact, to calm things down even more, I will present you as Gandalf's niece granddaughter."


"Gandalf himself suggested the latter," said Elrond smiling, leaving later to fine-tune the details of the arrival of the council members.



The day of the council came, and Hermione wore her best attire, and it was astonished that neither Bilbo nor Arwen were present.

"Bilbo excused himself from coming, because of his age," Gandalf informed her, "as for Arwen, well she is a woman after all, women have nothing to do in the council."

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