Fairy Tail

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Chapter 16: Fairy Tail

The fourth age of men looked promising thanks to the social advances brought by Hermione, how compulsory literacy for all children, as well as others of various kinds, also changed the system of justice, she wouldn't let what happened to Tina keep repeating itself.

Over the years Hermione continued to find more children with magical abilities and decided that Minas Tirith would become a school for the magicians and witches of the Middle Earth. By that time, Théoden had been dead for a century, as had her husband. She abdicated the empire's throne in favor of one of Tina's descendants and she became the headmaster of the new Hogwarts Magical and Sorcery College of Middle Earth.

Hermione did very well as headmaster of the school, the magic sticks and brooms were no longer hiding any secrets from her, however, she was fond of the sticks and continued with them, she had refined them and now they had nothing to envy from the wands of her world, and even changed in size for easy transport.

Hermione took curative magic as a high school priority and after a couple of centuries she left her position as principal and she devoted herself to developing new types of magic, worried about what her friend Luna told her about how her mother died trying to do the same, but Hermione took the right precautions. After a long time she developed such powerful magic that made the magicians of her native world look like simple children.



An elegant carriage made of very fine wood approached the region, the strange carriage had no horses but a driver who apparently moved some levers to drive such a strange machine. The carriage approached the town square, where there was a monument with sculptures of fantastic and impossible beings: a dwarf and an elf of fairy tales, an old magician and next to him what seemed to be his apprentice witch, there were also the figures of some children, one of whom wore a ring.

"Dad, Mom, look, it's Uncle Bilbo Baggins," said a human girl pulling her parents' clothes to get closer.

"JO, JO, JO, happy evening to all," said an adult man in a golden and green suit, wearing a ridiculous elf hat, but wearing a long white beard.

Several human children with their parents approached the man and lined up for their children to ask for gifts from the curious character and to take away the elf Lobelia who wanted to steal the festivities.

The carriage stayed a full minute in front of the monument and continued its march, at the end the driver took the carriage in front of what seemed to be an immense field. The door opened and several people came down from it, in fact many more than the size of the carriage could carry, seemed like magic.

A woman in Muggle clothes stepped out of the vehicle and looked around, took a deep breath in and filled her lungs with fresh air.

"Even the air changed, before it smelled like forest... before there was a forest... and look, there was a small hill, a small campfire... a frightened little girl..." said the woman, almost crying.

"Are you sure about this?" asked an old and small man.

"Yes, the things that used to be are no longer," said the woman cryptically, "forgive me for making them come."

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