A New Villain In Town

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(A/N: YO! An OC is being added as the villain. Hope u guys don't mind... Oh and sry for being late for updating...I have a slight dilemma... But it's okay, just enjoy the story!)

Bakugou was running. He knew that his arms weren't fully healed, he ignored letting it heal for three days and used it on the second day for cooking (A/N: Wow, amateur move Bakagou). At that time, he thought 'just a little is okay' since it didn't hurt at the time and he was caught up in the moment. But now, it hurt... a lot.

He was trying to get there as soon as possible. He needs to see her alive and it definitely needs to stay that way...

*Backtrack to the letter*









*Forward to the present*

He was panting as he entered the park, analyzing the area. He wondered if this was just a trap, but he didn't exactly care. If he gets captured, he'll probably get to see Uraraka or maybe they'd leave her alone if they had him because maybe they were using her as bait.

A thick fog started to accumulate around his feet and he instinctively held his breath for safety measures. It was unnecessary though since it just teleported him to a different area that was pitch black until he heard a switch turn on a spotlight.

"Well, well, well... if it isn't Katsuki Bakugou in the flesh. You probably think you know why we took her... but rest assured, we won't hurt her... that is of course, not yet at least." Bakugou stared at the young boy in front of him, wondering what the hell was going on. Though even as anger filled Bakugou, he tried his best to keep his composure,

"What the fuck do you want asshole?! And where's Uraraka?!" Getting straight to the point. The little boy started to walk closer to Bakugou, with the light tailing on him.

"Right here." He said with a twisted smile while snapping his fingers. In moments, another light appeared with-


Bakugou said as he gritted his teeth. There she was; on a chair; projected on a screen; unconscious. Bakugou was filled with anger as Uraraka wasn't even in the same room as himself, "Let her go or I'll fu-"

"You might want to stop there for the sake of her being." the young boy interrupted, "Let's make a deal, neh? We'll trade her~ for you... How's it going to work? We'll send her to the policemen that's been assigned to find her, then you'll be held captive instead. Sounds good? Oh and don't worry, we're going first, you'll have an escort so you could see her yourself. But only from afar, no point in communicating with her, after all. If you break this deal, she dies the next time any of us cross paths, deal?"

Bakugou was speechless, still bubbling with rage. But he had made up his mind in an instant. He'll sacrifice anything for her. So after a sharp inhale, he spoke,


"Great, your escort is me. Let's get a move on shall we? Here, put this on. It'll electrocute you if you break the deal, oh and I'll wear one too! To prove these work, here, you guys test it." He said, handing it over to his henchmen. The henchmen hesitated, not wanting to get fried. But they replied,

"Y-yes, Master." and put the collars around their necks.

"Don't touch me and in exchange, I will not speak, deal?" The little boy held up his hands and the henchmen took one each. Then shook them. Then they let go and the deal activated. Immediately after 5 seconds, the henchmen counted down from 3 and after 1, they tapped the little boy, causing both of them to get electrocuted. They fell to the ground unable to stand up. The boy took the collars off with his fingerprint and the collars said, "Deal has been broken. Collars reset."

"Here, scan one of your fingerprints on my collar so your the only one who can take this off me and I'll scan yours." He said, switching the metallic collars. Bakugou didn't exactly know what was going on but he was anxious for Uraraka's safety that he went along with it. Though he didn't really trust this little boy. Why would this little boy be in control? Was he that powerful? He decided to at least ask,

"Why are you doing this, kid? Shouldn't you be playing with some other fucking kids on the streets?"

"What makes you think I'm a kid? Is it my size?" He paused and let Bakugou think of his options,

"because you're absolutely right! I am a kid! Now, why would a kid be doing this?" He said, somewhat in an uncomfortably happy tone and continued, "Well maybe it's because people like me aren't welcomed in the world of 'heroes'! Apparently, those who are left out should just rot... Oh, but don't the heroes know that they're the ones who're rotten... I'll clearly make people like you know... Now let's get a move on! You don't want me to get impatient and kill her, right? Now no more questions, let's go." He insisted and Bakugou was trying his best not to go on a rampage and kill the little boy that was threatening his life.

"Just one more question." Bakugou's tone was irritated, "What's your name?"

The little boy smiled,

"Nairu Kameda..."

(A/N: pic of what Nairu looks like is coming up... I'll probably edit the pic into here actually... so stay tuned!)

Only In Small Doses {Katsuki Bakugou x Ochako Uraraka}Where stories live. Discover now