"I'm Not Dreaming, Am I?"

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Bakugou was stuck in class again. He was thinking of going back to the hospital to ask the lady who helped him recover with a pill. Just a hunch, really. Hopefully, he'd be able to find her to ask for her help.

"Yo, Bakugou," Kirishima's footsteps became more audible, disrupting Bakugou's train of thought. "It's over; the class." Bakugou turned his head towards Kirishima and blinked a couple of times before quickly getting up,

"Fucking fantastic! Time to go." He bumped into desks as he rushed to the exit, a routine he's gotten used to (A/N: I can feel Iida's rage, "The desks!"). But before he could fully exit the room, he felt a tug at his shoulder. Kirishima gripped him in place, hesitant to speak,

"Are you okay, Bakugou? You've been searching every day with hours on end." Bakugou narrowed his eyes as he turned around to face Kirishima, blocking the doorway in the process. "I barely see you taking a break or even eating. I know you're really worried about Uraraka. Trust me, we all are," Kirishima's eyes wandered to the floor then instantly back up to catch Bakugou's eyes, "So, I need to be sure you're taking care of yourself or else we'll have to force you to sto-"

"I'm fucking fine, hair-for-brains. Don't worry, I ate a big breakfast which will last me the day. You don't need to watch over me like I'm a damn child." He shook Kirishima's hand off his shoulder, disappointed when thinking of Kirishima's words.

"Saying that just makes me more worried. I've seen you spend entire lunch hours just sitting and powering your brain at full speed to figure out where she is...Not once did I see you pick up your chopsticks before you decided to put your food away! I know how you feel with the whole Uraraka situation but this isn't how you should be going about it." Bakugou was disturbed by Kirishima's constant concern. Why did everyone take this situation lightly? Why couldn't they actually understand how serious it was?

"Then how? How the fuck am I suppose to go about this? Everyone, including you, just wants me to stop." Bakugou pointed at Kirishima. Kirishima held up a hand as he denied,

"Bakugou, that's not what I mea-"

"Shut up, Kirishima! We already know that everyone is slowly trying to bind me here, in this stupid goddamn school for heroes." He slightly shoved Kirishima back before continuing, "And d'you know what? I've got a hell of a question!" He backed up looking around at the small audience in the classroom. Arms lifted slightly out to his sides to emphasize the question he was about to ask. Then he scoffed, "Just how the fuck do you expect me to learn to be a hero when this whole fucked up place is telling me not to save Uraraka, huh?! Tell me! How the fuck am I suppose to 'Be A Hero' if I sacrifice saving someone?!" Bakugou yelled to the top of his lungs.

"Bakugou calm down, you-" Kirishima tried his best to ease Bakugou but was interrupted,

"NO, FUCK YOU! ALL OF YOU ARE FUCKING HYPOCRITES AND SHOULD SHUT YOUR DISGUSTING MOUTHS BY FILLING IT WITH SHIT!" The room was silent and Kirishima's eyes gleamed with sorrow while staring at the boy who's veins were popping out from his skin. Bakugou boiled to the point that he said something beyond his usual vulgar words. He tried his best to calm down but his mind was on a 'one track' state that caused him to continue to vociferate,

"Kirishima... If you truly understand, then you'd know that the only way I'll get better is by finding her. It's either you help me find her or just get out of my sight because I don't need another goddamn person holding me back. Especially a person who constantly betrays me." Bakugou could see the pain and guilt on Kirishima's face. Before he could make things even worst, he stomped out the door, leaving Kirishima feeling bitter and unable to answer.


Bakugou was walking down the city watching the world continue as usual. He tried his best not to think about what just happened and focused on his other senses.

The sounds of cars that were passing by made his mind feel at ease. He decided to close his eyes to feel the chilly wind graze against his face. He put his hands in his pockets and after a few steps, he opened his eyes again.

As Bakugou was approaching halfway to the hospital, he heard a familiar voice call his name. He felt his heart drop as his head spun to face the voice. Immediately, his whole body froze. All the sounds around him fazed out and he breathlessly spoke,

"Uraraka?" He thought he was hallucinating. She almost looked like a stranger, wearing an unfamiliar outfit and had bags under her eyes. She walked over to stop one foot away from him and said,

"It seems like you've also had a rough time." She smiled, raising her gloved hand to caress his cheek. He felt like he was melting by her touch, despite not being able to feel the warmth of her hand.

"It's... it's really you, right?" His hand reached out to also caress her face but stopped before touching her, scared that she'd disappear with one stroke, "I'm not dreaming, am I?" Bakugou muttered. His head was getting hazy as the relief finally washed over his body, remembering that it barely ate or slept.

Uraraka nuzzled her head into Bakugou's shoulder and wrapped her arms around him. She felt his heart beating rapidly as she spoke in a hushed tone,

"I'm here, Bakugou." She heard Bakugou inhale loudly and then exhale shakingly, before feeling arms slowly enclose around her. Uraraka sighed and offered,

"Let's go talk somewhere else."

(A/N: Is anyone even reading this story anymore? Yooo, peeps, are you bored with my story yet? It's not really memorable, right? Is it dragging out too long?)

Only In Small Doses {Katsuki Bakugou x Ochako Uraraka}Where stories live. Discover now