The Letter In His Mailbox

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The next day, Bakugou was aware of Uraraka's absence from class. He couldn't stop thinking about her all night and didn't have a good amount of sleep but didn't exactly care either. 

He sent her a few texts basically asking where she was, not really knowing how to word everything since his character was a bit all over the place. 

When he didn't get a reply 3 hours later, he started to worry. He knew that she got home a bit late but he saw her, completely safe. 

But little did he know of the little incident. He shrugged it off and thought, 'it's not like I'm her boyfriend or anything, besides she probably just fucking busy or sick or something' and continued his day as per usual.

The day after, Bakugou checked his phone to see if she replied to any of the texts he sent her throughout the day before. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even a single 'Read'. So he sent her another text. 

When it was 2 hours later he checked again to find nothing once more. He was a bit angered but also very worried so he texted her again,

KitKatsuki: That's it, I'm fucking coming over dipshit

And he literally left in the middle of English class. While walking out of class he said, 

"I can't fucking concentrate." And avoided all the stares from his classmates by shutting the door quickly. Then somewhat rushed to get out of the school before the teachers could come running after him.

He tried to calmly proceed to her house but in the end, he couldn't help to at least jog there. He knocked on the door and yelled,

"Hello!? Uraraka!? If you can fucking hear me, I'm coming in! Sorry for the intrusion." He said, noticing the door was unlocked and invited himself in. 

His breath was taken away as he analyzed the scene in front of him and he knew...

From the beads scattered around...

Her phone opened on the ground...

And a pan on the kitchen floor...

Everything was disorganized, completely different from what Bakugou remembered. He knew that something had happened to her. His closest bet? He'd say kidnapped. Possibly raped. Maybe killed.

The furious teen didn't know what to do. He searched for a clue, anything at all. He turned on her phone and looked through it. Nothing

He examined her bed, seeing that the familiar panda bag was placed on it. Nothing

He went to the small kitchen. A kitchen cabinet was opened, a pan was laying on the floor. But nothing.

The disappointment seeped into his skin as he knew that of course all of his searchings would go to waste as there was surely no evidence left.

He picked up the pink beads and the crown bead to place it on her bed in a neat pile next to her phone. Then he felt determined to find her and know what happened. 

He went outside to see if anything had changed, anything he hadn't noticed before. But still nothing. After all his searching he decided to call the authorities. When they came, he answered questions, trying not to use too many cuss words as they took pictures of the crime scene, confiscating things they could.

The police tried to reassure him warning him not to get involved when Bakugou insisted on helping. Of course, his stubbornness would lead him to do it anyway so he just pretended like he wouldn't and agreed. 

After all the chaos, he went back home getting a scolding from his mother when he immediately arrived,

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU FUCKING LEAVE CLASS, YOU STUPID IDIOT?! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSE TO FUCKING DO THAT ANYMORE!" She said punching him on his shoulder. He looked at her with a serious expression and answered,

"Mom. Uraraka was kidnapped." It took her a few seconds to process what he had said, but once she did, her mad expression was replaced with shock and sadness as she answers a simple,

"Oh." And tried to find the words to say to reassure him. He stopped her and told her to forget about the reassurance, he was going to find her before the authorities did, maybe even using the police as stepping stones to clues. 

He went up to his room and wrote down notes he already knew from the crime scene, trying to interpret what happened. While coming up with a few ideas, Mitsuki brought him a plate of food and left the room to let him concentrate. When he was out of ideas, he stopped writing, finished his food and got up to put the plate in the sink. 

Once he had put his plate in the sink, his phone vibrated. It shocked him and he fumbled to get it out of his pocket and see what it was. It was a message! He opened it up to see that the message read,

'Look in your mailbox' from an unknown sender. He was confused but also anxious so he screenshotted the message and quickly made his way to the door. Then he looked in his mailbox. 

There was a singular letter that had his first name on it. He opened it to see big bold letters,


(A/N: I'm done my exams... so yeah... here's another chapter!)

Only In Small Doses {Katsuki Bakugou x Ochako Uraraka}Where stories live. Discover now