I don't know. Maybe everything is simple. Maybe everything is easy. Maybe I'm just gay. Maybe everything I feel is a product of my imagination.
If I didn't like girls so far back and been unhappy being a girl for so long, than I would be convinced that I'm just a product of modern society. And I do believe that it's possible for confused thoughts and feelings can be as a result of what we're exposed to growing up and being surrounded with.
I grew up sheltered. Hell, I thought I was a boy until I was somewhere around eight because I couldn't figure out how a marriage could happen without the classic mommy and daddy. I was convinced I'd marry a girl, and I knew who was the one. I did have many crushes over different time periods, but one in particular I really liked badly.
It's funny thinking about my childhood crushes. Thinking about how I could not figure out for the life of me what was wrong with me.
I still ask myself that almost every day.
Am I Transgender or Lesbian
Kurgu OlmayanI guess this is less of a story and more of a journal. I'm going nuts in my head with my sexuality and aspects of my life and past, so I may as well get it out on the screen.