1. ivar

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(a.n. imagine if ivar could have sex)

i walked into mine and ivar's hut, to see him just getting into bed, shirtless, his muscles defined as he moved himself with his arms, and i smirked, getting onto the bed and hovering over him as he lay on his back.

"well." he smirked, "hello, princess." he said, his voice low, and i kissed him as a response.

his hands went to my bum and he squeezed it as we kissed, but i pulled away to whisper, "let me ride you, ivar." and his familiar smirk immediately spread across his lips, before they were smashed against mine once again.

he pulled my dress over my head, only breaking the kiss momentarily, and i helped him to take his clothes off, leaving us both naked, the covers draped over my back.

ivar kissed my neck roughly, but lovingly, causing me to whimper, as i ran my fingers through his hair.

i hovered over him, and moved my hips down as he bucked his hips up, a little groan escaping his lips, before i leant down to kiss him again, his tongue immediately slipping into my mouth.

our moans were in time as i bounced on ivar, leaning on my elbows either side of his broad shoulders, his hands gripping my waist, our lips pressed together.

i lay on my side next to him, both of us breathing heavily, and i rested my palm on his chest as he closed his eyes, content.


"goodnight, ivar." i smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"i love you." he said and i gently peppered kisses to his shoulder, before closing my eyes, the two of us falling asleep shortly.

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