14. alex

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valentines day blurb

so you'd go home after a pretty tiring day at work and immediately walk into the living room where alex is, and he'd stand up and pull you into a massive hug, and give you a few kisses.
you'd both go and get ready to go out to a really nice restaurant that he insisted on paying for, and you'd both have an amazing time.

when you were back home, he'd take you up to bed and you'd be kissing constantly whilst undressing each other and taking it a bit further.

you'd put on one of his shirts and he'd just put a pair of boxers back on, and you'd go downstairs to make a cup of tea and get a few chocolates which you'd eat while cuddled up on the sofa watching a film.

you might nearly fall asleep so he'd carefully pick you up and carry to your bedroom, carefully placing you down on your bed and joining you to cuddle until you both fell asleep.

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