11. alex

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a.n. please check out my book 'heaven || alex andersen' if you want x
(this is a little teaser of it)


"yeah, alexander?" i looked up from my phone to see the boys sat in a rough circle, some on beanbags and some on the sofa.

"come on, we're playing spin the bottle." he smirked and i shuffled over, staying on the sofa, now sat between alex and david.

"alex, you have to.." marco started, his gaze shifting to me as a smirk covered his lips, "have five minutes of heaven with georgia."

i turned to look at alex as he playfully winked at me, before helping me up and grabbing my hand, holding it as he lead us into my bedroom.

he turned to face me and sat down, reached for my hips, and pulled me to straddle him as his arms loosely went around my waist.

alex tilted his face and leant forwards slowly, his lips hovering over my own before he gently pressed them to mine, and a small smile formed on my lips as i cupped his face with my hands, kissing him back.

his hands slipped under my shirt, gently resting on my waist, his thumbs delicately tracing shapes onto my skin.

after a moment he deepened the kiss slightly and one of his hands moved down to my bum, grabbing it.

"alright, time's up." alexander called, and i reluctantly pulled away from alex, but he quickly moved his hands up to cup my face, pulling my lips to his once more, before allowing me to turn around, seeing alexander in the doorway with a smirk on his face.

"come on." he said as i got off alex, standing up and walking to the door, as we followed alexander out and back into the cinema room.

imagines || alex andersen & ivar the bonelessWhere stories live. Discover now