9. ivar

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"um, miss, please may i be excused?" porunn, my servant, asked me and i turned to look her.

"yes, you may. but first you must tell me why." i said with a little smile on my lips, as she looked slightly nervous, "is it a boy?" i asked and she blushed lightly with a nod, causing my smile to widen. "when can i meet..?"

"björn." she said quietly.

"ironside?" i checked and she nodded.

"well, i've already met him, and i trust him to be good to you." i smiled, and she returned my smile, "so, go and have fun." i said and she thanked me, before hurrying out.

(a few days later)

i sat on a tree trunk outside in the evening, and noticed porunn with björn, and she looked at me with a little smile, so i beckoned her over.

her and björn sat down next to me, and the three of us talked for a few minutes until björn's younger brother, ivar, was carried over by hvitserk.

i'd never really talked to ivar that much, but i knew he was just a year older than me, and, of course, i thought he was very good looking.

ivar sat down next to me, the other side to his brother and my servant, and i offered him a smile which he returned, before we started talking, and didn't even notice when porunn and björn left.

"can i kiss you?" ivar asked and i nodded with a little laugh, allowing him to lean forwards and press his lips to mine.

ivar and i talked for a while more, before he suggested we went to one of our huts, and i nodded with a small smirk, leading him to my hut.

he crawled onto my bed and i joined him, immediately pressing our lips together again, as we began to undress each other.

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