10. ivar

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i walked into our hut and noticed ivar in the bath.

"hey." i smiled.

"hi." he mumbled back, clearly in one of his moods again.

"what's up?" i sighed, walking over to him and kneeling at the side of the bath as he looked at me, frustration evident on his face as he frowned.

"my arms hurt, and ubbe is being a dickhead." he groaned and i smiled slightly.

"well, i can help with the first one." i said, dipping my hands into the warm water so that they would glide easier against his skin.

i moved behind ivar and began to massage his shoulders, before moving down to his arms and massaging them, feeling him relax under my touch, as he leant his head back and closed his eyes, his mouth parted slightly.

once done with the massage, i gently pressed a kiss to ivar's lips, but he cupped my face and pulled my lips back to his.

"thank you." he mumbled with a little smile, which i returned, happy i could get him out of his mood.

"you're welcome, ivar."

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