13. ivar

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i walked around the corner to see ivar, his face displaying hurt as he sat, his back against the wall of ragnar's hut.

"ivar?" i asked and his head snapped up to me, fury in his eyes as he gave me a dirty look, silently telling me to shut up.

i quietly walked over to him and sat next to him, "he just slows us down! he can't even walk for himself, why did you save him when he was just born?" i heard ragnar shout, and i inhaled sharply.

"ivar, you don't need to listen to this-" i spoke quietly to him, moving to hug him, but he just shrugged me off.

"he's our son! it doesn't matter if he can't walk, you have to love him anyway." aslaug said, and ragnar didn't reply so she stormed out of his hut.

"ivar." she said quietly, noticing him and i, and began to come towards her son, but stopped when he gave her his familiar scowl.

"he doesn't mean it, ivar. you know that he loves you." aslaug spoke softly, but ivar just shook his head.

"ivar." i whispered when he ignored his mother, and he slowly looked towards me.

i leant forwards, gently placing my hands on his jaw, and i pressed a single, loving kiss to his lips. "i love you." i said, "and your mother loves you."

"and your father, ivar." aslaug said, and ivar and i looked up to her, just as ragnar walked out of his hut.

"fuck." he mumbled, realising his son had heard his previous words, "ivar, i-" he started but stopped, unknowing if what to say when ivar began to crawl away.

i stated sat where i was for a moment, before getting up and shooting ragnar a dirty look, then following ivar to our hut.

"ivar." i said softly, just as he pulled himself up onto our bed, and i sat next to him, pulling him to me as i hugged him gently, "ignore your father, he's just frustrated about battle and he decided to take it out on you with his words. you've done nothing wrong, the gods saved you for a reason, ivar."

he just sighed and lay down, so i lay next to him to comfort him as he fell asleep quickly.

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