19. ivar

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a.n. tysm for 3k reads on this already, ily !! x

"ivar, you can't just kill your brother when he annoys you!" i said, but found myself laughing lightly.

"fuck off." he growled, "i didn't intend to."

"oh, so when you threw the axe at him, you didn't mean to kill him?" i scoffed.

"i didn't want to kill him, he brought it upon himself. anger took over me." ivar said, frustrated, "sorry he meant so much to you." he spat.

"ivar, i'm not having a go. i never liked sigurd, you know that." i smirked, "if anything, and don't tell your other brothers this, i'm glad he's gone, because of how much he angered you." i said, "but, still, i wouldn't kill any of your other brothers." i laughed, knowing his anger often got him into trouble.

"i'm not glad. now ubbe hates me." he sighed.

"that's his problem, and i'm sure he'll get over it. he's soft, but you're fucking incredible, ivar." i said, not being afraid of his 'dark side' and his cynical mind like others were.

a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, and i knelt down to kiss him, his hands grabbing my waist and pulling me to straddle him, his hands roaming my body, my hands going into his hair and tugging on it.

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