16. ivar

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i sat with my back against a tree, playing with the dagger in my hands as i looked over the cliffs.

i heard the sound of branches crunching and i looked to my left, seeing the four sons of ragnar, excluding björn, and they all sat a few metres away from me.

their backs were all to me, so none of them saw me, so i listened when they lay down and began to talk.

"so, ivar, i've seen you looking at y/n a lot." hvitserk laughed, and i furrowed my eyebrows, confused.

"i can ask her for you." ubbe said, sigurd and hvitserk laughing and scoffing.

"she won't want a cripple." ivar sighed, embarrassed, and my heart broke at the sadness in his voice, as i didn't care about his legs or dick not working.

"are you sure?" i said with a smile, and all four heads turned to me in shock.

a smirk spread out on ubbe's lips as he stood up and motioned for his brothers to follow him.

hvitserk and sigurd stood up and followed ubbe, as i walked over to ivar and sat next to him.

"i don't care if you're a cripple." i said, leaning forward to kiss him, but he turned his head before our lips met.

"but i can't pleasure you like a normal woman." he sighed.

"i don't care about that, either." i offered him a smile and leant forwards to kiss him again, feeling him smile slightly against my lips as he kissed me back.

i moved to straddle his waist, as one of his hands grabbed my bum, the other trailing up my inner thigh.

i heard a snigger, and looked up to see sigurd laughing at his brother, and ivar's face immediately displayed hurt and anger.

"this is all a joke, isn't it? fuck you, you're just doing this for their amusement." ivar spat, and pushed me off him.

"fuck off, sigurd." i snapped, and he walked away laughing, following his brothers again.

i turned back to ivar, "if this was a joke, i would be laughing at you, no wanting to kiss you." i said, leaning forwards again, and moving so that i was sat on his lap again.

"please.." he started, but i cut him off, knowing what he was going to say.

"i'm not just here for a laugh." i kissed him, "this isn't a joke." i kissed him again, "and this isn't just a one off." i said, gently pushing him to lay on his back.

i leant down and kissed him, both of his hands going to my bum, grabbing it again as i rested my weight on my elbows and ran my fingers through his hair.

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