24. ivar

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"who's your favourite, of all of ragnar's sons? excluding me." björn asked me, as we sat outside on tree stumps, hvitserk and ubbe also sat with us.

"probably ivar." i said.

"really?" i heard, and turned to see sigurd walking over, ivar just behind him with a smirk on his lips.

"yeah." i nodded with a grin.

"why? he's a cripple." sigurd laughed, ivar sighing.

"so? he's much stronger than you, and i'm sure he's a better warrior." i said, "plus, he's fearless, are you?" i asked sigurd, and he just sighed.

"still, he's a cripple." sigurd piped up again and i gave him a dirty look.

"do you really think i care about the state of his legs?" i scoffed.

"his dick also doesn't work." sigurd laughed.

"yours won't in a minute if you carry on." i said, slowly pulling a knife from my pocket and showing it to him, before i put it back in, and i looked to ivar to see him smirking at me, and i returned it.

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