8. alex

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i woke up and slowly opened my eyes, as my hand came up to my mouth to cover a yawn.

a little smile turned the corners of my mouth up as i remembered what day it was, and i turned over so i was facing alex.

he began to stir slightly, so i pushed myself up so that my weight was on my elbows, and leant down to kiss him softly.

after only a few moments, he was kissing me back and he smiled into the kiss, so i pulled away to mumble, "happy birthday, babe."

"thank you." he said, his eyes momentarily staying closed as i pressed a few kisses to his jaw.

he sat up and pulled me so that i was straddling his waist, and he easily took the t-shirt i was wearing off of me, before leaning in to close the gap between our lips again.

i got up and alex watched me as i did, looking at my body, just in pants, before i grabbed a crop too and pulled it on, along with a pair of grey fitted, comfy tracksuit bottoms.

"come on." i laughed lightly and alex got up, getting dressed as i walked downstairs and was met by his mum, as alex and i were saying at his parents' house for his birthday.

"good morning." his mum smiled to me and i returned it, thanking her when she offered me a mug of tea which i gladly accepted, before talking to aila, alex's sister.

a minute later i felt a pair of familiar, strong arms wrap around my waist, and aila smiled to her brother, saying, "happy birthday."

"thanks." alex grinned, letting go of me to hug his sister, before taking the mug out of my hands and drinking most of the contents.

"wow, cheers." i laughed sarcastically.

"can you say 'cheers' again?" aila asked, before blushing, "sorry, i just love british accents, and yours is so nice." she said.

"aw, cheers." i repeated for aila, "and i love all of your accents." i said, as i was from england, but alex and his family were from denmark, which is where we currently were.

after breakfast, the five of us went to the living room to give alex his presents, and his parents sat on one sofa, and alex, aila and i sat on the other, with alex in the middle.

"thank you guys so much." alex gushed, hugging me and his sister, before getting up to hug his dad.

"oh, i have one final thing for you." his mum said, handing him an envelope which he opened, revealing a 5* hotel reservation for two, "i thought the two of you could get away for a birthday treat tonight." she said, looking between alex and me.

as alex hugged his mum i smiled to her, "thank you." and stood up as well, being pulled into their hug.

"thank you so much, again, for letting me stay here." i smiled to alex's parents as the two of us were leaving at about 6pm, "i love denmark so much, it's so pretty."

"you're very welcome, darling. you're welcome anytime, even when alex's not here." his mum said, returning my smile, and i thanked her again before hugging aila, then following ivar out to his car.

we walked up to the hotel room, and alex placed our bags to one side, before immediately pressing his lips to mine as soon as he'd closed the door behind us.

"mm, i love you." he mumbled against my lips and i repeated the same words to him.

i jumped when he whispered for me to do so, wrapping my legs around his waist as his hands grabbed my bum, pressing my back against the wall and deepening the kiss.

he walked over to the bed a minute later, laying me down on my back and hovering over me, without breaking the kiss, us only pulling away momentarily when an item of clothing was removed.

"are you ready?" he mumbled and i nodded, a moan subsequently escaping both of our lips simultaneously, and he leant down to kiss me again.

both of us breathing heavily, alex and i lay next to each other for a moment, before i got up, alex following me, and the two of us got ready for dinner, going down at 8pm and sitting at a table for two in the corner.

"you're fucking stunning." alex mumbled when we were eating and i smiled, blushing lightly.

"so are you." i said, grabbing my phone to take a photo of him, which, of course he looked gorgeous in.

"oh, your mum booked massages for us at 10, by the way." i said once the two of us had finished our meal.

"tonight?" alex asked and i nodded, checking the time, "so in half an hour." i said and he grabbed my hand once we'd stood up, and lead me back up to our room.

i took off my makeup and washed my face, before just putting on a bikini and a robe over it, alex putting a robe over his swimming trunks.

we walked down to the hotel's spa just before ten, and were taken through to the massage room where we took our robes off, and i took my bikini top off so that there wasn't straps in the way during the massage.

the lady gave me a little facial, before i put my bikini top back on, despite alex's protests, and we went to the pool, the two of us getting in the hot tub and relaxing for a while.

when we returned to our hotel room, i went into the bathroom to shower and alex followed me, stepping into the shower and gently pressing my back to the wall as his lips connected with my neck and he left a few hickeys.

i felt his hard-on against my leg and moved his face up to my lips so that we were kissing again, as he lined himself up and carefully thrusted into me, our moans the only sound other than the running water as we kissed deeply.

"happy birthday." i smiled, cuddling up to alex in bed, his arm comfortably around my waist as he lay on his back and i lay on my side facing him, "i love you."

"thank you for such a great day, babe. i love you too." he mumbled, the two of us closing our eyes and falling asleep quickly.

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