17. alex

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i sat, talking to katheryn, alex sat next to me talking to marco and jordan, as alex's hand gently moved onto my lap to grab one of my hands and begin playing with my fingers.

i looked to him, a small smile on my lips as i watched him talk for a moment, before i turned back to katheryn.

i laced my fingers with alex's, our hands resting on my lap comfortably, and i gave his hand a little squeeze when i noticed him yawn, an adoring smile on my lips.

"do you wanna go up?" i asked him softly and he nodded, clearly tired.

"i'll see you tomorrow." i smiled to katheryn, letting go of alex's hand to give her a little hug, before he grabbed my hand again and lead me to the lift, after we'd said goodnight to everyone else.

i got into bed next to alex, and told him to turn over so i could cuddle him.

tucking one arm up in front of me, the other went over alex's waist and i spooned him, feeling him relax into my touch as i gently traced shapes with my thumb on his side.

"thank you." he whispered.

"i love you." i mumbled, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck.

"i love you too." he sighed happily, the two of us falling asleep shortly after.

i played with alex's hair when i woke up, and felt him shuffle around a little, his hand reaching back to gently rest on my upper thigh.

"you're such a good cuddler." he mumbled, causing me to smile.

i pushed myself up onto my elbows so i could see the side of his face, and i leant down to pepper kisses to his cheek as he closed his eyes contentedly.

laying back down, i gazed at his toned back, my fingers running over it and aimlessly tracing patterns, his muscles relaxing as i did so.

alex moved to lay on his back, his arms slipping around my waist as he pulled me closer to him, so that i was laying on his chest.

he kissed me, his eyelids fluttering closed again as mine did, and i pulled away to smile at him, before connecting our lips once again.

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