Chapter Five

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Virgil's P.O.V.:
Timeline: Present Day

My hands were shaking with nerves. I shouldn't have told him, I shouldn't have told him a single thing, I should've guessed his reaction. This was exactly what I was afraid of when I decided to tell him, oh gosh this was bad, this was bad, this was so bad-

I yanked my headphones over my ears, trying to lose myself in the constant thump of the beat and trying to imagine my world centering around that steady constant beat.

After a while, it was clear that the music was not working. I threw my headphones away from me with a strangled cry, dropping to my knees and pressing my hands harshly against the top of my head.

I forced myself to take slow breaths, which were shaky but slow, which was progress. I needed to keep this under control. I couldn't have a panic attack. Oh please no.

I gritted my teeth and the panic grew inside me, flying through my veins like fire. No. Please no. An anxiety attack I could afford. An anxiety was better than the alternative. I couldn't have a panic attack. Not here. I needed to get myself under control before it grew beyond my limits.

I stumbled my way into my recording studio – being sure to close the door behind me. I fell and started crawling my way into the booth, as fast as I could. Hands shaking and vision blurring I carefully opened the large box on the floor, just inside by the door. I grabbed a large pillow and quickly tucked in under my head as I hit the floor and the scream was ripped from my throat as a supernova burst from the behind my eyelids.

Roman's P.O.V.:

I hesitated, glancing back into my room one last time to make sure I hadn't left something behind. My gaze landed on the door, and a small round of hurt hit my heart. Maybe... maybe I could still ask Virgil if he could come with me...

I snapped my fingers and teleported right outside his door. I lifted my hand to knock but...

I hesitated.

He hadn't even given those sides who lived in the Imagination a chance for justice. I didn't need him, not for this. He'd had his chance to come with me and he'd decided he'd rather do nothing.

I couldn't do that.

I had to do something.

Something - anything - for all those sides...

I winced and close my eyes, turning away from his door as I snapped my fingers, appearing at the front gates of the Mind Palace.

I glanced behind me at the large castle behind me, something I didn't see very often. It looked like the Disney castle, with tall with white pillars and a lot of gold accents. But instead of it's traditional blue rooftops the Mind Palace roofs were a bright red – a stark contrast.

I eyed the door momentarily before turning back around and heading out through the gates.

I didn't even glance in the direction of what used to be the village, not needing to see the destruction for a second time.

I slipped on my gold headphones, tucking one headset behind my ear, to keep my ears open for any potential danger. I pulled out my samurai sword, and slowly made my way to the woods, bracing myself for the speech I was going to give the murdered who order the attack on all those innocent people.

Right before I killed him.

Virgil's P.O.V.:

I groaned as I woke up, feeling light headed and exhausted. I raised my arm, moaning as the room suddenly slanted and it took all my willpower not to puke right then and there.

The Dark Side of The Imagination {Prinxiety} - Book Two of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now