Chapter Seven

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WARNING: WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR SANDERS SIDES VIDEO CALLED "CAN LYING BE GOOD" RELEASED FEB. 3, 2018.  IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED IT - okay if you haven't watched it yet, what are you doing?! But this will contain a M A J O R  S P O I L E R.



Point of View: Virgil, First Person

Timeline: Present Day

I felt my nerves start to build as I exited the Mind Palace. I refused to look back or at what used to be the one and only village in the Imagination. I didn't want to know what the disaster I caused by not killing the hell-hound the first time looked like. I don't think that I would be able to ever move on with my life, seeing the damage I had done. No, it would be better to just move on.

I shouldered my bag once more, yanking my hood over my head, bangs falling over my eyes. I had my headphones around my neck (of course I brought them with me, duh) resting on my collarbone so I could keep an ear out for Roman in case he saw me first.

Geez, how was I going to find Roman? There's so many places he could be – why did I even think this could work? I'm never going to find him. This place is so big, he could be just about anywhere.

Sighing, I started making my way to Roman's cliff, a sad attempt in hopes that he would be there. He said that it was his favorite place in the Imagination – under this big maple tree – that looked out onto an ocean that met the sky. He took me there for our first date actually and gave me a black and purple flower crown, that I now keep on a hook on the door to my closet. He said he goes there when he's struggling coming up with good video ideas or when he wants to be alone.

And if he was there enough, he'd know that the entrance to The Dark Side of the Imagination.

I was betting that he did, but it was only a hope – nothing more.

I took a moment to look out to the Imagination's ocean, mesmerizing the way the sun made the water glitter. It was so... peaceful. Under difference circumstances, I might find this calming, but with Roman M.I.A. it was only a reminder of why I came here and what I needed to do.

I walked over to the edge of the cliff, balancing on the edge - if there had been wind my anxiety would probably be skyrocketing right now – and I waved my right hand at the ground below me, picturing a long, spiral staircase leading to the bottom. Because it's the Imagination, the land immediately bowed to my will – rocks flattening and sliding to make the staircase I pictured. Some rocks even rose up to make the railing I had pictured to go along with it, protecting me from falling into the ocean, which certainly would look more terrifying if I flew towards it face first.

I slowly made my way down, gripping my staff tightly, tensed and ready for action. I had stopped by the training room to pick it up, but I hoped that I would never come to needing it. But I didn't know what condition Roman would be in if I found him –

When I found him...

I reached the bottom of the staircase without much issue, which opened to the mouth of what appeared to me a small cave, but with a small faint light coming from deep inside. The entrance to the other side of the Imagination.

I knew better.

I hesitantly reached into my bag and pulled out the flashlight I had brought with me. I flicked it on and peered inside, searching for any trace of Roman. The light bounced off of the rocks, shiny and wet, but there was nothing that proved Roman had come this way. Nothing to prove he'd even made it this far.

The Dark Side of The Imagination {Prinxiety} - Book Two of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now