Chapter Eleven

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Point of View: Roman, First Person (haha how much do you miss Virgil's POV? XP)
Timeline: Present Day, Day 7 of Roman's Quest

I groaned, wincing at my pounding head.  I raised my hand and pressed them harshly against my temples, trying effortlessly to fix the throbbing pain in my head. Ow...

I looked up, searching for Virgil.  Gosh... my head...

"Morning Charmin'," a voice said.  I blinked lazily at Virgil, who merely held a water bottle out to me.

"Morning, Hades," I muttered, still holding my head, taking the water bottle from him gratefully.  "Ah - what happened?"

"You started freakin' out," Virgil said calmly, holding his staff lightly in his hand.  He swung it back and forth easily, seemingly unconcerned at the fact I couldn't remember what happened... yesterday? The day before?

"Freaking... out?" I asked, the words unfamiliar to my tongue.

"You started acting really weird," Virgil explained vaguely, not meeting my eyes.  "Mood swings all over the place.  I gave you some of my sleeping pills to knock you out for a bit - hoping that you'd wake up."

"S... Sleeping pills?" I repeated, remembering vaguely.  "You... you had my sleeping pills," I remembered, frowning.

Virgil shook his head.  "They were my sleeping pills.  I guess Logan's been busy," Virgil said simply, still not meeting my eyes.  His voice was light but his eyes said otherwise, darkened in worry.

"How... how long have I been out?" I asked, wincing slightly.  I wouldn't push, I promised I wouldn't push, but I couldn't help the instant urge to convince Virgil to talk to me.

"A good sixteen hours," Virgil admitted, still swinging his staff - still uncharacteristically calm.  I guess he's already worked out through all his anxiety while I was out or... something?

Yeah, that was about as believable as it sounded.

"Oh," I said stupidly.  I blinked before realizing something.  "Wait, have you slept... at all?" I asked him, getting to my feet - still causing a ripple of pain to shoot through my skull.

"Nope," Virgil admitted, tone unnaturally - and unnervingly - cheerful.  "But I feel great!" he said smiling - like a real, full smile.

I gaped at him.  "Um - m-maybe you should take a little nap," I stuttered, shocked by his... well, everything.

Virgil merely shook his head in response.  "Nah - come on, Princess we can still get a little further before nightfall," Virgil yanked me to my feet.

I froze at the name, breath hitching in fear.  Princess... that,... that was what he called me in the nightmare... 

No, it just had to be a coincidence.

"U-Um are you sure this is a good -"

Virgil waved his hand, brushing away my concern.  "I feel great -  we can probably reach the Mind Palace today if we get moving."

Still I hesitated.  "Virgil, you're not acting like... yourself.  Is... is everything okay?" I asked.  I couldn't help it.  He was worrying me.

"I'm fine," Virgil said, but I noticed his hands grip his staff a little tighter.

"No, no you're not," I pushed, frowning.  He was hiding something.  "What's wrong?"

"I said I'm fine."

"Clearly you're not," I said, crossing my arms over my chest - ignoring my headache, which was steadily growing stronger. by the second.

Virgil let out a harsh exhale.  "I'm fine - the only thing bothering me right is the fact that my boyfriend keeps pushing me even though he knows better than that," Virgil sneered at me.

The Dark Side of The Imagination {Prinxiety} - Book Two of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now