Chapter Ten

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Point of View: Roman, First Person (Who is getting tired of Roman's POV? XD)
Timeline: Present Day, Day 6 of Roman's Quest

After the snow, Virgil and I continued walking in silence.  Virgil wasn't one to start the conversations and I was far to deep in my head to even consider starting one myself.  Virgil was fidgeting a bit, unnerved by my uncharacteristic lack of speech.  I simply continued on though, doing my best to shove my nightmares out of my mind.

"Hey," Virgil pipped up, looking oddly... cheerful for once?  "So you like stars and snow.  What else don't I know that you like?" he asked, slipping his hand into mine.

I didn't mean to flinch at his touch, but I did and Virgil saw it.  He quickly drew his hand back, shoving them deep into his pockets instead - what he does when he's upset.

I - I didn't mean to hurt him...

I felt bad, but I didn't try and reach out for him.  "Virgil, I - I don't really feel like talking," I admitted.  I didn't look up, not wanting to see the hurt expression on his face.

I let out a long exhale, suddenly feeling very jittery for some reason.  Being mad at myself for not being completely honest with him.  This is Virgil! Just tell him about the nightmare already before he starts blaming himself, I reprimanded myself silently.

"My n-nightmare - well, nightmares," I corrected, slightly surprised by my stutter.  Still, I forced my hands into fists and continued.  "Last night-" My throat closed up, refusing to let my speak.

Virgil looked at me from behind his bangs, slightly confused and I realized that I had stopped walking without realizing it.  "Roman?" he asked, gently - concerned.

I shook my head.  No, he didn't need to know.  He'd be better off not knowing.  "N-Nevermind, it's - it's stupid," I muttered, brushing lightly past him with my eyes fixated on the icy ground underneath me.

It took a second for me to hear the soft crunch of the ice under his boots as he followed behind me.  I continued walking faster, as if walking faster would help my mind forget, forget what I had just done to Virgil, forget what happened in the dream, forget  -

I jumped as I felt Virgil come closer - forcing his hand into mine.  At that I did look up, and stared at the way his jaw was set - determined.  He didn't say anything, just continued to walk at my side.

He deserves better than me.

"There are no stupid feelings.  Please - tell me," Virgil said softly, finally and I found myself staring at his eyes - so earnest and full of love - unlike their cold counterpart from my nightmare.  "Did... did I hurt you? In the nightmare?" he guessed and I flinched again, involuntarily giving it away.

Virgil gently pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly - and I could literally feel the - the positive energy he sending me with the tight comfort of the hug, which was so bizarre and so... so beautiful.

And before I could stop myself I was sobbing, sobbing into the shoulder of his hoodie while he held me and I held him back, as tightly as I could with my shaking frame.

By the time I had finished, I was limp in Virgil's arms, him being the only thing holding me on my feet.  My head was pounding with an incoming headache, probably from all the crying.  I was exhausted - how was he still standing anyway? He didn't sleep at all last night...


I gave a soft grunt in reply, burying my face deeper into his shoulder.

"Are... Roman are you sick?" Virgil asked, voice low and serious.

The Dark Side of The Imagination {Prinxiety} - Book Two of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now