Chapter Twelve

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Point of View: Roman, First Person
Timeline: Present Day, Day Seven of Roman's Quest

Virgil wordlessly pointed his staff at the gates of the Dark Palace.

At the hellhound racing full speed at us.

Virgil immediately stepped forward, stepping in front of me.  I blinked surprised as his arm spread outwards, guarding me.  "Whatever you do, don't use your powers," Virgil instructed, voice serious.  "The pills will prevent the effect of being here, but it will do nothing against you if you try to use your powers.  You'll have a seizure and I can't protect you by myself," Virgil said harshly.

I felt the color drain from my face as something very important dawned on me.  "Virge?"

"Hm?" He didn't look at me, eyes narrowed on the beast.

"I don't have a weapon," I elaborated, and Virgil's head swung towards me - realization dawning on his face.  "I usually just summon my sword, so I don't have to carry it.  But if I can't use my powers..."

Virgil's eyes widened.  "Fly, Roman.  Fly, fly as fast as you can away from here."

My jaw dropped.  "I'm not leaving you! Leaving you here would be suicide," I said, raising my wings involuntarily in defense. "I'm not leaving," I argued, sliding one foot back defensively, prepared to fight.

"Please - Prince, please - I can't protect you," Virgil argued, eyes watering in panic.

"I am not leaving you," I said firmly.  "We take it on together," I said, spinning to face the beast -


Was it just me... or was... was the hellhound...


I lowered my fists in confusion as the beast continued to get smaller and smaller.  Virgil did the same, looking just as baffled.

By the time the hellhound reached us, it was approximately the size an average puppy.  The hellhound pup barked happily at us, tail wagging playful as it jumped around Virgil, tongue out as it pawed at his legs happily.

Now that it was close and I could really get a good look at it, it... it almost looked like a tiny black German Sheppard! The only exception was the orange flames for eyes.   

And oh my stars, it was adorable.

The hellhound pup seemed to really love Virgil, pawing playfully at his combat boots, trying to play with the laces.  Virgil merely stood there and stared at it, almost dazed actually, as the pup barked happily at him, tag wagging in excitement.

The pup was so excited, that tiny sparks were bouncing of its fur, landing on the ground with an hiss as they melted some of the thinly-ice-covered ground below.

"Sparks," Virgil muttered deliriously.  "Sparks!" he repeated, suddenly coming to life and dropping to the ground quickly.

I let out a yelp of surprise, thinking the hellhound bit him or something, but no - Virgil set his staff on the ground, using both hands and petting the tiny puppy's head.  The puppy barked happily, placing it's front paws on Virgil's lap, trying to climb on top of him, trying to lick his face.  Virgil let out a laugh and I couldn't help staring at the sight.

Virgil... he's... Virgil has never laughed like that with me.  It was so full of... genuine happiness...

Virgil twisted around, standing - puppy in arms.  His eyes were all lit up beautifully as he full-out grinned at me.  "Her name is Sparks! She - She's my puppy," Virgil said, grinning widely.  "She's my pet."

The Dark Side of The Imagination {Prinxiety} - Book Two of the Why I Run SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now