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It was 5am when my alarm ring. I was repeating in my head 'get up, get up'. I quickly grab my clothes and throw it on. I wear this:

I did my make up but not too much because I'm not really big fan of it

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I did my make up but not too much because I'm not really big fan of it.

I did my make up but not too much because I'm not really big fan of it

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I got dowstairs and ate banana then grab my bag and went to school.

At the front was waiting Charles but I went past him. He came after me to my locker and pushed me on the ground. I just rolled my eyes and didn't show any feelings because that was me. Suddenly a boy came running in my direction and pushed Charles on the ground. I just get to my first class and tried to forget everything that happened. But there was still this boy running through my mind. He looked so familiar to me.

So here is chapter one. I know it's short and  I know it's boring but I'll make it more intresting soon I promise.

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now