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Martinus' POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I hate Mondays. I changed into blue ripped jeans and found black pullover. I got down and ate breakfast with everyone.

Me: We need to go now. Bye mum! Bye dad!

As we were in front of the school, everyone looked at us. There was Candy's friend, Olivia. We walked to her and asked what's wrong.

Olivia: I didn't knew you guys are famous singers! I mean, me and Candy should go on one of your concerts when we were a little bit younger, but then we stopped liking you and didn't went to that concert!!!

Me: Okaaayyyy...

I didn't understood a thing. This is too complicated. We've got a concert in next three weeks here! This is insane!!!

Me: Anyway, where's Candy?

Olivia: I don't know, I didn't saw her, she isn't responding to my calls. I was at her place this morning, but she wasn't home, because no one opened the doors. Then I went to school alone. That's all I know.

Something really strange is happening here and I'll found out what. I went to my locker and took out my books. I texted Candy, but then remembered she is probably just angry at me.

Me: Mac, do you think Candy is okay?

Mac: I don't know, but I hope so. She is my friend since we got there. With who would you like to go to the dance we're planning the day after tomorrow? You know, our class.

Me: oh uh, Idk yet. No one is here who would like to go to that dance with me. But, do I need to go?

Mac: Why would you miss that. I saw that you and Candy became very close lately. Why don't you go with her?

Tinus: This isn't good idea.

The class started and we all went to our first class. It was math and I came in last, so I needed to sit at the front. Everything is boring without Candy beside me.

I hope she'll come back soon. Than it hits me!!! What if she leaved?! But she said that she won't leave until friday or so. I'll go check her house after school.

~after school~

Me: Hey Mac! Wanna come with me to see if Candy still lives there?

Mac: Sure.

Then we get going to house. When we arrived, it was quiet everywhere around. I knocked on the door and Candy's mum opened. She had red puffy eyes.

Me: Hello! What's wrong?! You look like you've been crying!

C.m.: Candy went missing! I bet her dad took her! Come in now. We can talk inside.

We stepped inside and looked around for any signs of her.

C.m.: I need to show you two something.

Us: Okaaayyy...

She was susspicious. I knew this wouldn't end well, but Mac was already following her.

We walked down to the basement. That is getting really strange. I felt something was wrong.

She opened the doors and stepped in. There were even more stairs. I hope we're doing the right thing. We were getting close to the doors. There was a sign 'basement'.

Candy's mum let us go in first. When we were inside, she closed the door and locked it. Oh shit!!! This isn't good in any way!!!

I took phone out of pocket and so did Mac. We tried to call someone, but there was no signal. I really hope Candy is okay.

Me: Mac!!! We need to get out of here!!! What if Candy is in danger?!?!?!

Mac: Hey, Tinus, stop panicking. I'm sure Candy is okay. She can take care of herself.

Me: Thanks bro, but no one know this.

Candy's POV

I heard mum talking to someone downstairs, but couldn't recognize anyone. Not long after that someone came home. It couldn't be any of my siblings, because they're all at our new place. Idk why I had to stay here.

I was very corious about who is downstairs so I checked, but no one was there. I saw open doors which lead to basement. I heard footsteps and quietly followed.

Mac and Tinus are with my mum going to basement?!?! Suddenly, I heard doors locked and someone coming my way. But now I saw only mum!!!


Mum: You're going with me, little missy!!!

Me: Where are you taking me?!?!?!

Mum: I need to do this!!! If I could choose, I'll choose anything else but this!!! Sorry. We need to get going!

She dragged me with her and I didn't even know where. I was still in the house, but I never noticed stairs that lead to the attic.

She pushed me inside a small room and locked the doors. I looked around and there was a low light from little lamp beside me.

Not long after that I heard footsteps and two persons talking. One person unlocked doors and stepped in and another one waited outside. The person looked at me. It was...

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now