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Martinus' POV

I was on my way to my locker when I heard screaming for help. I turned around and saw Candy with that Charles kid. I ran to him and knocked him down.

I looked at Candy and her eyes were full of fear. I hugged her tight and whispered in her ear "everything is gonna be alright because I'm here".
We were standing like this until Marcus came and started panicking when he saw Charles on the floor.

Marcus: First, Tinus where have you been, I was looking around and you weren't anywhere! And second, why is Charles on the floor, huh?

I slowly let go of Candy and head to Marcus. I get out of school and left her behind me.

Marcus' POV

Martinus let go of girl and walked out of school with me behind him. I looked behind and she was standing there not realising what just happened.

Me: Hey, bro, who was that girl you were hugging?

Martinus: No one, now lets go home.

Wow, that was just wow. One moment he is hugging girl and next moment he is trying to forget her. What is his problem?

Candy's POV

I was standing there watching how Martinus and other boy leaved me behind. They look so similar, they must be twins and they look familiar to me. Well better I get going before Charles woke up!

I ran home and open the door. Mum wasn't home yet because her car isn't there. I walked up to my room and snapped my internet friend Johny. He was there anytime I needed him.


Hey, how are you? I haven't write to you for ages.

Hey, I'm good I think. How was your day? Has this Charles kid bullyed you again? Tell me everything.

How did you know that he bullyed me? And my day was like all others. I met two new boys today and they look so familiar to me.


I need to go someone is ringing again.

Hey I understand. Call me everytime you need me okay? Ly bye💕.

Lyt. Bye💖.

I ran downstairs as fast as I could and opened the door. I slammed them right in the same moment. I can't believe he is there. That Martinus kid and his brother are here. I carfeully open the door and looked outside.

Me: Hey, sorry that I slammed the door right in your face. Would you like to come in?

Boy: Yeah sure. My name is Marcus and what's yours pretty girl?

Me: First my name is Candy and second what the fuck is wrong with you two?

M&M: What is that supposed to mean?

Me: Sorry but I don't have all day for you two. Tell me why are you here.

Hey all. I'm sorry I know it's boring but I'm sick and I don't have any ideas. Please comment if you have got any ideas.
Ly all💕.

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now