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Martinus' POV

Candy: If you don't stop, I'll make you. This can't go like that anymore because...

Me: Why?!

Candy: We're... we're... moving to another country.

This can't be happening! She can't just go! No, no, nooo!!

She ran out of my room to Mac. I felt so empty rn, I can't even think. Wait she didn't even told me where she's moving! Even worse, when she's moving!!!

Me: Candy! Candy! Candy! Can...

I bumped into her and she fell on the ground. She stood up and I imediatelly saw a bit blood on her head.

Me: You've got blood on your head.

Candy: What?!

I suddenly remembered that her mum hit her last time she was home. There she had a huge cut and now it's bleeding again!

Me: Wait here! I'll go get first aid!

I rushed to the bathroom and  grabbed first aid box. I hope everyting will be alright.

When I get back to her her face was pale. I picked her up and brought her to my room. I slowly put her on my bed and pressed some wad on cut.

Me: Mum, mac! We need to get Candy back to hospital!

They rushed in and I brought Candy to the car. We quickly drove to hospital and they took her inside.

Me: Mum, do you think she's going to be allright?

Mum: Why do you think she's not going to be okay? She is strong, Martinus. She'll be allright.

Few hours leter doctors came out and said that she can go home. I ran inside and hugged her tight.

Candy: Let go of me!

Me: What's wrong?

Candy: I said let go of me!

I freezed in the moment. She is actually yelling at me. I can't believe this.

Candy: I need to go back home. I don't want to see you again.

Me: B-But...

She just left me without any reason. I hope I could see her at home. She hasn't gone to her home, has she?

We drove back home and Emma was waiting for us. She was crying a little bit.

Me: Emma, what's wrong?

Emma: Candy has just left. She said she won't come back.

Mac: Don't worry Emma. She'll come back one day. I hope so.

Candy's POV

I was heading home from hospital when my phone started buzzing. I looked at it and it was mum. I picked up.

Me: Hey, mum.

Mum: Hey, swettie. Where are you?

Me: I'm coming home. Why?

Mum: I need to tell you something really important.

Me: See you. Bye.

I was home now, but I needed to grab my things from Gunnarsen's house. When I went in, Emma was sitting there, playing with her barbies.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my things. I put them all in my bag and went downstairs.

Emma: Where are you going?

Me: Home.

Emma: But Marcus and Martinus aren't here yet. Are you coming back any time soon?

Me: No, I'm not coming back. I'll never come back Emma. Sorry my little girl. Tell Marcus I'll miss him very much.

Emma: B-Bu-t what ab-b-out T-T-Tin-us?

Me: Don't tell him anything please. He should know why I'm going back home. Bye Emma.

We were both crying so much. We hugged for one last time and then I went back to my real home.

I stepped in and mum was sitting there. I put my bag on the floor and stepped to her. I hugged her and she hugged me back.

Mum: Oh, sweetie. Why didn't you came back? I was so worried about you.

Me: I was scared mum. Last time, you hit me with bottle and I was in hospital because of all this. Anyway, you said you have something really important to tell me.

Mum: Your dad came out of prison few days ago. This is the reason we need to move.

Oh no! My dad is out of prison?! I'm not safe anymore!

Me: Why didn't you tell me? Does Klarissa know? And Michael?

Mum: No. Only you know. And please, don't tell anybody.

Me: I won't mum.

I was scared to death. What if he tries to hurt any of us again! Even worse, what if he appears there!!!

I felt my phone was buzzing. I picked it up and saw that Mac was calling.

Bolt: Marcus
Italic: me

Hey, what's wrong?

Hey! Where are you?!

Home, why?

Are you serious?! You know what your mum did to you! What if she hurts you again?!

She won't! Only person that can hurt me rn is my dad! We're moving, because he is free.

What are you talking about? Your dad is free? What does that mean?

My dad was in jail and now he is free. Idk how, but he would come again for his revenge. We need to move far away beacuse of him.

I'm so sorry. What did he do that he was in jail? And where and when are you moving?

He hurted me very much. All of us, but me the most. He hit me and cut me. Now it doesn't matter anymore, because it all healed. We're moving in one week. Please don't tell Tinus. He mustn't know this. He'll try to keep me there, but I need to go.

I won't, I promise. It'll hurt him very much when he'll found out that you moved away.

I told him that I'm moving, but I didn't told him when.

Oh, okay.

I need to go now. Bye Mac.

Bye Candy.

I hung up and headed back to mum. She was half sleeping so I leaved her alone. I ate something and went back to my room.

I changed into my pajamas and went to sleep. I was thinking about how Tinus would feel when he'll found out I'll be gone without goodbye. Soon after I fell asleep.

Here is one more part of my story. Hope you enyojed. I should go sleep now, because I have school tomorrow and I need to wake up early.


You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now