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I thought Marcus will be better than Tinus, but he's the same. They are troubles.

I started to think about something. What if Mac and Tinus wouldn't come? Will I be still alive? Would my father even found me? Would he kill me at this moment or let me live? That question will never have an answer.

The doors opened and Marcus stepped in. He looked at us and then came to my side.

Mac: What's wrong? You're scaring me.

Me: You should told me the truth!!! You are nothing but a liar!

I felt the pain and pressed the button beside me. Nurse came in and asked me what's wrong.

Me: My heart hurts! Every single move I make it hurts! With them beside me it's just worse, because I'm thinking of...

Nurse: You don't need to worry. I'll call a doctor. But the most important is that you rest. You had a very complicated surgery. You almost died. Now I'll go.

She leaved the room and I started crying. First Marcus, then lie and now this. I can't just erase the pain.

Me: Who even saved me?!

Mac: I saved you. I saved your life when you father cut you, when he shoot you. You should respect that.

Me: But you lied to me after all I've been through! Why did you even saved me?! I never asked you to!! I want to die and end all this pain!!!

Marcus' POV

After she said that she wants to die, her heart monitor made a loud *beep* and doctors rushed in. They took us out and then Tinus looked at me.

Tinus: I told her the truth. I'm soo sorry. But you two are now together and that's all that matters.

It was all that matters until the next moment when doctor came back outside.

Doc: I've got some bad news. She had a heart attack and she can't go home any time soon. I think she was overhelmed. What did she say to you or you to her?

Me: Tinus told her that we're famous and she was angry. Then she said she wanted to die and had a heart attack. Is she okay now?

Doc: You can go to her now, but please, don't tell her any other informations that can affect on her heart.

Tinus: We won't.

We walked back inside and Candy had some pain killers on her night table. The nurse said she needs to take them.

Me: Candy, are you awake?

Candy: Yes, what do you want?

Tinus: You've got here some pain killers. I'll give one to you and some water if you want?

Candy: Thank you soo much Tin Tin.

Tinus: Don't call me Tin Tin. You know I don't like that nickname...here you go, some water and pain killer.

Me: Candy, I'm sorry...

Candy: What are you sorry about? You did nothing wrong. It's all in my head. Now go sleep, because tomorrow you're going home. I don't want you here beside me.

Her tone was calmy, but deffinetelly not her words. What is happening with her. She's changing.

~next morning~

Martinus' POV

I woke up first and Candy and Mac were still sleeping. I guess today we need to go home.

I silently went out of room and found a doctor. He looked at me and I could saw a fake smile.

Doc: How can I help you? Is something wrong with Candy?

Me: No, she's okay. She's sleeping. I need to ask you something. What does Candy mean when she yesterday said 'it's all in my head'?

Doctor: Well, we found out that she has got a tumor. We can remove it, but there's a chance that she forget some things.

Me: Ok-ay...

I just stood there like frozen. She has got a tumor and didn't tell us?!?! That's why she doesn't want us here!!!

Doctor: We found out yesterday and didn't told her yet. We said that all that is happening is in her head. We're going to tell her this afternoon.

Me: Okay.

I walked back and saw that Candy is awake. She smiled at me and said with soft voice.

Candy: Are you going to stay with me here? Pleeeeeaseeee. But don't tell Marcus. He'll be angry. Tell your mum all and together make an excuse.

Me: Okay.

I took my phone and called my mum. I told her about all this and sha excepted. We'll said to Mac that I'm staying at my friend house, because he is obviously going somewhere too.

He woke up and saw we are awake. I sat down and looked at him.

Mac: Morning. I'm hungry!

Candy: Me too!

Me: Marcus and I will go grab us something to eat. Come Mac!

We stepped outside and went all to the ground floor. We bought food and as we were heading back up I started talking to him.

Me: Do you remember that we need to go home today?

Mac: Yeah, I'll probably just play games or go to Charles.

Me: What?!?! Why on the world would you like to go to Charles?! Just so you know, I'll be at my friend house.

Mac: Charles is my friend and if you don't like him it's not my problem.

We got back with the food and put it on the night table.

Candy: After you eat, I want you to go, because I've got another one test, you know.

Mac: Sure. We won't bother you, right Tinus?

Me: Yea, now eat or I'll eat your breakfast.

He quickly grabbed it and put sandwich in his mouth. He hide other with his arm and looked angry at me. I laughed like a baby and Candy joined me. Now we were all laughing like crazy.

Candy: Eat now!

After 10 minutes we were all done. We hugged and said goodbye. I winked at her and she nodded.

Me: I need to go this way. See you tomorrow afternoon bro!!

Mum came and picked him up, while I was walking around and then back in. I'm safe now.

But one thing is in my head. What will Candy said when she finds out? Will she just throw her life away or take a risk and go on this operation? I guess I'll find out soon.


Just one more and then my book will be over. I know there are some mistakes, but I try my best to correct them. I hope you like it! If you do then vote. Thank you for reading (:

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now