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Martinus' POV

After that day, I visited Candy in hospital every day. I found few new friends and Candy's friend Olivia was really supportive. Idk who I like anymore.

It was a week now and I think I was doing fine. It was way harder for Marcus to see Candy every day. He locked in his room every day, writing songs or just drawing. Usually he doesn't draw.

Me: Mac, let me in, please!

Mac: Go away! I want to be alone!

Me: Then, I'll go alone to Candy!

Mac: Wait, I'm comming!

He opened the doors and show himself. He had red puffy eyes from crying every night. He had a little present in his hands. He brought her presents every day.

Mac: Will we go or what?

Me: Yeah, let's go.

We walked there, because it's not that far away. I stepped in room and opened the window to let in some fresh air.

Me: What did you brought her this time?

Mac: You don't need to know.

Me: Okay, I was just asking.

Mac: It'... her favourite cupcake.

He brought her cupcake?! But I like cupcakes!

Me: Bro, are you serious?!

Mac: No, I was just kidding. It's a picture of us three together.

Marcus' POV

I brought her picture. I know she'll like it. I took her hand and pressed it. Then something unexpected happened. She speaks!!!

Candy: Mar-cus... is that you?

Me: It's me.

Tinus called a doctor and they did some tests. She can go back home in three days. I'm so happy rn, that I could jump around.

Suddenly, I remembered. Her mum and dad are in jail and her brothers and sisters are still somewhere far away.

Person: Sis!!! I missed you sooo much. I won't leave you again.

It was her brother and behind her everyone else. That means...she don't need to leave!

Lucas: Can you leave us alone for a few minutes, please?

Me: Yeah, sure.

Candy's POV

I can't believe my brothers and sister are here! I was so happy rn!

Jessica: How are you?

Me: I'm bad, every time I move it hurts so bad.

Michael: Then you shouldn't move.

Everyone laughed. He can make people laugh just with his laugh. I missed him sooo much!

Me: Where were you all?

Fiona: Mum sent us all to Spain. She said you need to stay, because you said you'll help her packing. We believed, but then you didn't come and we saw that mum and dad are in prison.

Me: Mum is in prison?!

Lucas: You didn't know?

Me: No one told me this. Let's talk about something else.

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now