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~skip to the lunch~

I took my lunch and looked around for my BFF but she wasn't anywhere to be seen so I sit down by myself. I was eating and in that moment someone sit beside me and looked at me.

Boy: Hey can I sit there pretty girl?

I just stare at him like he said something wrong but I calm myself down a little.

Me: Yeah sure. What's your name? I haven't seen you here before.

Boy: My name is Martinus and I just came here other day so this is my first day.

I studied his face for a little time. He has got cute freckle above his lip and beautiful blonde hair and those chocolate brown eyes make you fall in love in a moment....wait what am I thinking I just met him.

Martinus' POV

It was lunch and Marcus hasn't come yet so I looked for a table to sit. I suddenly saw that girl from earlier. I went there and sat next to her.

Me: Hey can I sit there pretty girl?

She just looked at me like I said something wrong but then she finally spoke.

Girl: Yeah sure. What's your name? I haven't seen you here before.

Me: My name is Martinus and I just came here other day so this is my first day.

Then there was silence. She was staring at me and didn't say anything. I wave my hand in front of her face and then she snapped out of her thoughts.

Candy's POV

I was deep in my thoughts when a hand appeared in font of my face and I was back in reality.

~skip till school end because no one like school~

I was in front of my locker when Charles came to me, grabbed my hand and take me with him. I tried to escape but I was too weak so I screamed for help and kick in the air so he couldn't touch me. I was out of my breathe and then Martinus came running to me. He knocked out Charles and then looked at me. He hugged me and whisper into my ear "everything is gonna be alright because I'm here".

I know it's a short chapter but next ones will be longer. So guys what do you think about it? Hope you enjoyed it and comment. I'll be updating every day I promise.


You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now