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Candy's POV

I woke up and it was all dark. I could saw a little light from window. I tried to stood up, but my head started to hurt again.

Me: Is anybody here?

I didn't get answer, but then I heard people walking outside. At that moment I realised I was in hospital!

I turned on the light beside me and then I waited. After some time a nurse came in.

Nurse: Hello! How did you sleep?

Me: Good, thanks, but my head hurts like hell.

Nurse: Wait here, I'll go get doctor.

I was left alone when I saw my phone on the table. I grabbed it and first thing I could saw was missed call from my mum. I called back.

Mum: Hey! Where are you?!

Me: Don't yell mum, my head hurts! I'm in hospital. You should know why I'm here. I don't even know how I get here.

Mum: Sorry, now get home!!

Me: No mum! I won't come home!!!

I hang up and started crying. Why is she acting like that? Where is my old mum?

In that moment I heard door opened and few persons walked in. Doctor came to me and behind him was all Gunnarsen family.

Doc: So, how are you feeling Candy?

Me: Good, but my head hurts really bad.

Doc: Do you remember what happened?

Me: Yes, almost all of it.

Doc: Good, then, could you tell me what happened?

Me: I came home from school and when I came in I saw my mum with bottle of alcohol in her hands. She told me that my brother and sister are in hospital, because they were in car accident. Then I tried to get bottle out of her hands, but when I grabbed it, she hit me with it. I called Marcus and that is the last thing I know.

Doc: Thank you. You can get home after we do some tests.

Me: Thanks doctor.

I was now left alone with Gunnarsen family. They were all staring at me and I felt uncomfortable.

In the corner of my eye I could see Martinus staring at me with his big, puppy eyes.

Me: Thank you all. How did I get here?

Mrs.: Martinus came to your house and saw you lying on the floor. He called me and Marcus and we drove you here.

Me: Martinus, who told you to came to me?

He was still staring at me and wasn't paying attention. I couldn't take it anymore. I waved my hand in front of his face.

Me: Earth to Martinus!

He snapped out of his thoughts and he was red like tomato. I started laughing, but my head started to hurt.

Me: Oh crap, I forgot. I can't go home. Mum was calling me and she didn't sound happy. She was very angry.

Marcus: You can sleep at our place for some days. Mum, dad, do you agree?

Mr.: Yes. You can stay as long as you want to.

Me: Thank you mr. and mrs. Gunnarsen.

Mrs.: Call us just Gerd-Anne and Kjell-Erik.

Me: Okay. Can I go home now?

Marcus: Yes, you can.

I went to the bathroom and put on my clothes. I went to Marcus and Martinus home, but I need my things from home.

When we arrived I quickly went to Marcus room. He was sitting on his bed with phone in his hands.

Me: Where should I sleep?

Marcus: You can sleep in my room, because guest room isn't ready yet.

Me: Okay. Have you got any matress?

He just looked wierd at me and then started to laugh. I really don't understand boys, but his smile is really cute. I have a plan.

Me: What if I go ask Martinus? He is way better than you.

He looked at me in serious way. Now I was laughing like crazy. I didn't think it would be so easy.

Me: What is wrong?

Marcus: I'm better than Tinus! You can't go to him.

Me: Why not? Are you two hiding something from me or what?

Marcus: No, I just don't want that Tinus is always with you.

Me: Okay...kus kus.

Mac: Don't call me like that or I'll call you... i don't know yet.

Me: Bye.

Mac: Where are you going?!

Me: To Tinus, who else?

Mac: Ahh, whatever.

He is sooo jelaous. I need to find him a girl and Tinus too. Maybe life isn't as bad as I thought It'll be.

The doorbell rang and I went to open it. Just in that moment I regreted it. It was my mum. I'm so dead now.

Mum: Little missy! What do you think you're doing?! Come home, now!

Me: No mum, I won't. You'll hurt me even more. I won't let you do that to me again!

Mum: Whatever! But don't come home when they'll hurt you!

Me: Goodbye mum!

I closed the door and turned around to see Tinus. He was standing there, listening to our conversation. I know, I should be mad right now, but instead I hugged him tight.

Tinus: Shhh, calm down. You don't need to worry, you have got us now if that helps you.

Me: T-T-T-han-ks T-inus.

I let go and went to sleep. This was really bad day, I hope next ones will be better. With that thought I fell asleep.

Another part. Hope you enjoyed it. I know it's boring.
~gn all

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