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Martinus' POV

I woke up when I heard someone walking outside my room. I heard Marcus and Candy talking.

Mac: Hey, why are you up so early?

Candy: I'm up for almost two hours now. I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about something.

Mac: What? Don't tell me it's Tinus again.

Candy: And what if it is?

Mac: Ohh, forget about it. It's pretty early, do you want to go play FIFA?

Candy: Sure. I'll beat you.

Mac: Says the ones who don't even know how to play it.

Candy: C'mon.

They left. I was surprised. Mac deffinetelly likes Candy. I haven't got any chance. I need to find a girl for me.

I stood up and changed. I went downstairs and prepared myself some cereals. I ate breakfast alone, because Mac and Candy were playing FIFA and others were still sleeping.

When I finished I put bowl in the sink and headed to Marcus' room. He was talking with Candy. I listened to their conversation again.

Mac: If you like him, tell him.

Candy: But, what if he don't likes me back?

Mac: You're probably right. I'll go talk to Tinus.

Candy: Okay, but be short, please or he'll find out any of this.

As Candy stopped talking, Mac opened the doors and I fell down.

Me: Hey... why are you looking at me?

Mac: You'll pay for this. You were listening to our conversation. Now you know everyting.

Me: No, I don't. I heard you two talking about someone, but who is this anyway?

Mac: Get out!

Me: No need to yell!

Candy's POV

Mac opened the doors and someone fell on the floor. Oh, no, it was Tinus.

Tinus: Hey... why are you looking at me?

Mac: You'll pay for this. You were listening to our converstion. Now you know everything.

He can't know. Nooo!!!!

Tinus: No, I don't. I heard you two talking about someone, but who is this anyway?

Mac: Get out!

Tinus: No need to yell!

He finally left. I felt relieved after what he said, but I was angry because of what Mac just did. He yelled at his brother! Really?

Me: Are you for real?!

Mac: What is wrong? I did nothing wrong.

Me: You yelled at him! How do you think he feels right now?

Mac: I don't care!

Me: How can you not care about your twin?!

Mac: Easy!

Me: And why?!

Mac: Because he steals all girls from me! Now you know. I'm sorry for yelling at you.

Me: No Mac, don't be sorry. I yelled at you too. Hey, what do you mean with that he steals every girl from you?

Mac: Forget about it.

Me: Okay. I'll go check on Tinus.

I went out the room and to Martinus room. His dors were locked. I leaned on it and started to cry silently. I slid down the wall with my back.

Few minutes later I felt hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Tinus standing there. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. Probably mine were too.

Tinus: Why are you alone, crying outside my room?

Me: It's nothing. I was just... oh, forget about this... I need to tell you something.

Tinus: Well, I need to tell you something too. Come in.

I stood up and sat down on his bed. There was silence. No one dare to say anything. Why is this so hard?

Me: I need to tell you something really important.

Tinus: Me too, but you go first.

Me: Okay. You know my brother and sister came out of the hospital. They don't know what she did to me. But there is one another thing.

Tinus: You know you can tell me everything, right?

Me: I know, but it's just so hard.

Tinus: You don't need to tell me if you don't want to.

Me: I tried to tell you that...

My phone buzzed. It was mum. Oh no. She send me the text "two weeks".

I started crying and Tinus hugged me. He is really good hugger. His hugs were warm and I felt safe like with Mac.

Tinus: Is everything okay?

Me: No, nothing's okay.

Tinus: If you want to talk to me about this I'm here and I'll always be. I'll keep you safe where ever you go and I'll always be with you. You're my light at the darkest night. Candy, I...

Me: Please don't say it. I won't be here forever. I won't keep you safe and I won't always be with you. You know that life sometimes get in the wrong ways. My life is like that. You chose wrong person to tell what you really feel, because...

Tinus: Why?! I feel like that and I always will. If you're far away from me I'll feel like this, because I chose that way of life when I first saw you.

Me: If you don't stop, I'll make you. This can't go like that anymore, because...

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now