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Candy's POV

Tinus came back and we needed to go to doctor. He was waiting for me.

Doc: Come with me, please. You'll need him beside you.

I walked in and I was very nervous, more afraid. I had a very bad feeling about this.

Doc: As you see, there are a lot of pictures. Those are your brain.

Me: I don't understand. What is that little red thing?

Doc: Candy, you have a tumor. We can remove it all, if you'll go on a operation in less than a week. But there is a risk that you forget some things.

Candy: W-what?! A-a-re you s-sure?

Doc: I'm really sorry.

Tinus: Come here. I know it's hard for you. It's hard for me too.

He hugged me and I swear I could hear him cry. I was crying too so I'm not sure.

There is one thing. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. I can't stay here.

Me: Doctor, can I go home? I don't want to go on this operation and I want to spend the rest of my life with my family.

Doc: Are you sure?

Me: I'm 100% sure.

Doc: Okay, then you can go home now.

I went back to room and grabbed my things. If I forget Mac and Tinus, I don't want to hurt them.

One hour later I was outside the hospital. Martinus went in the other way, to his friend and I went home.

Martinus' POV

She didn't want this operation. My life is now over. I'll call her. I know I just leaved her, but I need to tell her something.

Candy: Hello?

Me: Hey...I need to tell you something. Candy, I...

Candy: Don't say it. You can live without me.

Me: But I need you in my life.

Candy: No you don't, You can live without me, please.

Me: I can't live without you, Candy. I love you with all my heart.

She hung up. NOOOO!!! I need to tell Mac.

I went back home and I could saw Mac at the doors with his bag ready to leave.

Me: Mac, wait!!!

Mac: Tinus?! Aren't you at-

Me: No, I'm not. I need to tell you something. Candy has got a tumor and she doesn't want to go on operation! If she doesn't go, she'll die.

Mac: Whaaat?!?! Are you joking with me, because if you are it isn't funny.

Me: No, I'm not!! Will you come with me to her place?

Mac: Ofc. What are we waiting for?

We ran all to Candy's house and opened the doors. Inside was all silent. Nobody was here. We have lost her forever. She just leaved.

~one week later~

I haven't slept or ate much. I was only thinking about Candy. Where is she and how is she?

I picked up my phone and suddenly I remembered that I had a phone number from Lucas. I immediatelly called him.

Me: Hey Lucas.

Lucas: Oh, Martinus.

Me: What is wrong? You sound really sad. Is something wrong?

Lucas: No.

Me: I called to check on Candy. How is she doing?

Lucas: She-she's dead. I'm sorry Martinus.

He hung up and tears started to ran down my cheeks. I can't cry. I need to be strong. And I need to get over this soon.

Me: Mac, come here!!!

Mac: Coming! What's wrong?!

Me: Candy is dead.

Mac: W-w-what?

Me: She's dead Mac.

He hugged me and that's what I needed right now. After all this days they could told us! But now I need to look at the future. Our future.

We were stronger every day, but it was hard without her. School was so boring and we were walking home alone.

We always passed her house on our way home. It brings back our memories together.

I'm sure she's better now. She was in a lot of pain and she had a really hard time lately, but I'll always love her, no matter what happens.


Hey guys! I know you all expected a happy end, but that was all planed from the start. Sorry if it wasn't that good, but I tried my best and I hope you liked it.

I'm also thinking of doing a sequel. What do you think? Please let me know in comments. Thank you again for reading this story. I know it's probably a trash, but whatever.

Bye all and gn💖

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now