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Martinus' POV

I was shocked when Marcus said Candy is coming. Five minutes later I realized what he said and rushed to his room.

Me: Mac!!! I don't want her here!!! She is an awful per...

I was left without any words when I saw her in Marcus' room. She looked sad at me and I swear, she was about to cry. Why is this happening to me?!

Me: I didn't know you are here. Look, I'm really sorry. I don't want to hurt you more that I already did.

Candy: You just did it.

She bursted out crying and Mac was comforting her. I feel so bad right now. It kills me to see her crying. I don't know why, but it really does.

I leaved room and imediatelly started to cry. I rushed to my room, locked doors and throw myself on the bed. I was crying all day and night.

Candy's POV

When I heard Martinus saying this words it hurts. I thought he was good kid, but he isn't anymore.

He left and I started to cry a lot. Marcus was comforting me and I felt safe in his arms. I was leaning on his chest and I could heard his heartbeat. It was so calmy, that I fell asleep and I don't even know when.

I woke up next morning next to Marcus. His messy hairs were all over his face. He opened his eyes, his chocolate, dreamy eyes.

In that moment I thought about Martinus. My eyes were getting watery and I couldn't help but let one single tear escape from my eye. Marcus wipe it away with his thumb and smiled.

I remembered I forgot to tell my mum!!! She'll be so mad that I won't be able to go anywhere for one month.

Me: I need to go! I didn't tell my mum where I am! I'm in so much trouble! Goodbye!

Marcus: Oh...aren't we supposed to go to school together? And I told your mum that you'll be sleeping here.

Me: You are full of surprises.

I ran home and quickly changed. I ate my breakfast, grabed my bag and head to school with Marcus.

Today Martinus came with him. He had red puffy eyes like mine, but even more.

Martinus: Good morning! You look like you were crying a little.

His voice was cracking and I could saw sadness in his eyes.

Me: No shit Sherlock! You look like you were crying A LOT!

He didn't say anything else, he just left. I walked to school with Marcus. When we arrived, we went to our lockers.

I talked at school with him and did everything with him until Gabriella came to us.

Gabriella is one of the most popular girls on school. She is as mean as Martinus sometimes. I wonder what she wants now?

Me: What do you want Gabi?

Gabi: I came to Marcus. Would you like to come to party tomorrow afternoon?

She was flirting with him obviously. After ten minutes we went home. I asked Marcus about party and he said he would think about it.

~at home~

Me: Mum, I'm home!

She came into room with a bottle of alcohol in her hands. I hope she isn't drunk, but I think this isn't possible.

Me: Mum, put down the bottle!

Mum: No, I won't! Jessica and Lucas are in hospital! They were in car accident!

Me: Mum, please, put down the bottle!

I was crying but mum didn't put the bottle down. I stepped closer to her and started moving to her really slowly.

I tried to pull the bottle out of her hands, but instead she hit me with it. I stepped few steps back and ran up to my room.

I locked myself in and went to the mirror. I could see a lot of blood on my head and I imediatelly called Marcus. He picked up at first rang. I said that he need to come here.

I put clothes in my wardrobe and took one painkiller. My head was still bleeding, but now even more. I need to go to hospital. I hope he would be here soon.

Five minutes later he knocked on the door and I stood up, but in the same moment I fall down.

I heard loud knocking and screaming from person. It didn't sound like Marcus. The picture was blurry and then all went black.

Martinus' POV

Marcus was thinking about party when his phone rang. He said If I could except call and I imediatelly picked up. It was Candy and she said Mac needs to come.

I rushed downstairs and put on my shoes. I opened neighbours door and saw her mum. She had alcohol in her hands and I imediatelly ran upstairs to Candy's room.

I knocked, but I didn't get any answer. I suddenly heard a loud bang. Tears started falling down my face and I was screaming and banging on the door.

I stepped a few steps back and headed forward. I broke the doors down and now I could see Candy lying on the floor.

I called Mac and mum and we drove her to hospital. I was waiting and then doctor came to us.

Doc: Is anyone here her relative?

Mum: No, her mum doesn't care about her right now.

Doc: Then I'll tell you. Someone hit her with something sharp and she lost a lot of blood. She is sleeping, but she can go home after we do some tests.

Mum: Thank you doctor.

Me: Can I see her?

Doc: Sure, but not too long.

We went to her room and she was sleeping here peacefully. She was so beautiful. I think I'm falling for her, but I think Marcus is too.

I was sitting on the chair by her side and Mac on the other. Mum and dad went out to bring us some sandwiches and we were left alone.

Me: Mac, I have a question.

Mac: What is it?

Me: Do you... do you... have feelings for Candy?

Mac: I don't know. She's my friend and I don't want to lose her.

Me: Oh, okay.

Mac: Why are you asking that? Are you falling for her?

Me: Why do you care?

Mac: So you are.

Mum and dad came in and said that we need to go. It was pretty late so when I got home I went to sleep. I was thinking about Candy and fell asleep.

Hey everyone. This is another part of my story and I hope you enjoyed it. Now things will become more complicated.

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now