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Martinus' POV

We were home now. I yell to my mum so she could know that we're home.

Mum: Hey boys, I was wondering if you want to meet our new neighbours and invite them to the dinner. Anyway how was school?

Marcus: It was pretty boring because I was looking for Martinus at lunch and after school but I couldn't find him. Then after school I saw him with a girl and beside them, there was Charles laying on the floor so yeah that is all from me.

I gave Marcus 'can you please shut up' look and tried to said something but mum interrupt me.

Mum: So Martinus, who was that girl and why was that kid laying on the floor?

Me: Mum I really don't wanna talk about this and I don't remember girl name okay?

Mum: Ohhh, now go to our neighbours.

I signed Marcus to come and we went to our neighbours. We get to first house we saw and ring the doorbell. We waited one minute and then we heard footsteps. The doors open and slammed in our faces. Wow, this was really fast reaction. The doors opened again and it revealed this girl from school.I couldn't help but stare in her beautiful sea blue eyes.

Candy: Hey, sorry that I slammed the door right in your face. Would you like to come in?

Mac: Yeah sure. My name is Marcus and what's yours pretty girl?

Candy: First my name is Candy and second what the fuck is wrong with you two?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her said that. I didn't expect to hear her saying that.

Mac&I: What is that supposed to mean?

Candy: Sorry but I don't have all day for you two. Tell me why are you here.

Me: We wanted to invite you and your family over to dinner tonight if you want to.

Candy: Yeah, whatever I'll tell my mom.

Then she slammed the door and we looked at each other. We went to other naighbours and invite them.

Candy's POV

I'm deffinetelly not gonna tell my mum about dinner because she wants to be polite and will say yes. I heard the key and ran downstairs. Mum and siblings were home. She came in and looked happy at me.

Me: Mum, why are you so happy?

Mum: Oh it's nothing. Go and do your homework because later we're going at the dinner. Our new neighbours invited us. They just moved in few days ago.

I ran to my room and locked the doors. I repeated in my head over and over 'I won't go to that dinner'.

I did my homework and before I knew it it was 5pm. My mum yelled that I need to get ready. I looked at my wardrobe and found some comfy clothes that I could wear. I wore this.

I did my make up but today little more than usually

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I did my make up but today little more than usually.

I did my make up but today little more than usually

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I did my hair like this.

When I finished my mum called me downstairs

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When I finished my mum called me downstairs. We went to our neighbours hause and ring the doorbell. The doors opened wide and there was standing a beautiful little girl with two braids and she was smiling wide.

Girl: Come in, it's cold outside. Come with me, mum is waiting for us. Mamma de er her!

Mrs.: Thanks Emma. Hello, my name is Gerd-Anne and this here is my husband Kjell-Erik. This little girl here is Emma and those are Marcus and Martinus.

E&M&M: Nice to meet you.

Mum: Nice to meet you too, my name is Elisabeth and those are Klarissa, Candy, Fiona, Jessica, Michael and Lucas.

Me&my siblings: Nice to meet you.

Mrs.: Now come and sit down. Kids, you can sit with Emma, Marcus and Martinus and we will be here.

Emma showed me to sit beside her but there was Martinus too and now my mood changed from good to bad. I sit down and so all others. Klarissa sat beside Emma because she was the same age as her. They immediatelly began to talk. Then I felt an arm on my shoulder. I turned to the side and saw Martinus.

Candy: What do you want now? Can you please get your arm away from my shoulder?

Martinus: Yeah sure but first....tell me why are you so mean. I don't understand why are you like this. I did nothing wrong.

Candy: I'll tell you later but now I want to eat in peace.

He finally let go of me and mrs. brought food on the table. After we finished our parents talked so we went to the living room. Then of course Martinus came in and took me with him.

Martinus: We're in my room, there will nobody disturb us. Now tell me why are you mean to me.

Me: I-I-I.......

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now