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I heard someone yelling downstairs. I could recognice my dad's voice. Now I could hear the steps and they were getting closer. I was scared and I hide under my bed.

The doors opened and there was standing my dad and my mum was crying behind him.

Dad: Where is she?! You said she is here!!!

Mum: She was here!

Dad: If she doesn't appear here in one minute I'll hurt you and that Martinus kid and his brother really bad!!!

What is he talking about?! I couldn't watch this anymore, but I couldn't showed myself either.

I took some deep breaths and showed myself. He turned around and his face was angry.

Dad: Come with me!!! You'll pay for all that you did to me!!!

Me: You can do whatever you want, I don't care about my life anymore!!!

Dad: What about their life?!

He throw me in a room and Mac and Tinus were there tied on a chair.

Me: Don't hurt them, please!!

Mac: Don't worry Candy. We're gonna be allright.

Dad: You won't be allright for any longer!

He hit them both and I could saw pain in their eyes. They were crying, bleeding and slowly leaving me.

Dad: Candy!! Candy!! Candy!! Candy!!

I woke up and someone was there shaking me. I looked at the person for a moment and then turned around again.

I started crying and realizing what just happened. I turned around again.

Mum: You had bad dreams, sweetie. Everything is allright. Somebody is waiting for you downstairs.

Me: I don't want to go mum. I want to stay in my bed.

Mum: Okay. I'll tell him he need to leave.

Me: What do you mean 'he'?

Mum: One of your neighbours. I don't know who is who.

Me: Tell him to come upstairs.

She leaved and in no time my doors opened. It was Tinus and he had hands full of chocolate!

Me: Hey!!! (:

Tinus: I've got some chocolate and other stuffs. Mac couldn't come because he is hanging out with our friends. I can go home or stay here. It's going to be your decision.

Me: Please, stay here. I need someone now.

Tinus: Do you want to talk about all this?

Me: I think that would be the best for me.

Tinus: Eat some chocolate.

Me: Eat some potato.

Tinus: Hahaha, very funny. I'm serious.

Me: Me too. Give me chocolate then and I'll tell you.

He gave me chocolate and sweets and some really good food.

Me: It all started when you came here. You were causing so much trouble and then my siblings got in the accident. That hurted my mum so much, that she hit me with bottle and I was in hospital. Next day or two I stayed with you. Then another accident when you bumped into me and then I was in hospital again. I couldn't trust you no more and I couldn't be with you, because we're moving soon. The reason why we're moving is...

Tinus: Don't say it please, because I know it's me.

Me: It's not you, it's my dad.

Tinus: Now I don't understand anything. What's wrong with your dad? Maybe it's that, that he doesn't live with you anymore?

Me: Don't get me wrong, but I'm glad he doesn't live with us anymore. He hurted me when I saw him last time. I was just a little girl, but I could remember how it felt. He was in jail, but now he's back. He would come look for me.

I was crying like a baby. Why can't I be strong for one time? He hugged me tight and I felt safe once again. He had something special that I didn't recognice earlier.

Tinus: I think I... need to go... yeah, I need to go.

Me: Where?

Tinus: Umm... I'm going to... football practice.

Me: Oh, okay.

He just left without saying goodbye. He left me once again and now I won't believe him. I won't forget this.

I lied down and tried to relax. It was 2pm so I went to get some food. When I came to kitchen, mum was phoning someone. I listened what she was saying.

You can't come back!
You hurted all of us, but not again! Candy was the one you hurted the most!!!
She is my fricking daughter and respect that.
Don't call me ever again or I'll call the police!!!

She put the phone down and I stepped in. I grabbed some food and rushed back to my room. I lied down still trying to figure out, why Tinus left me again.

I called Mac. He's the one who should know what's the matter. I grabbed my phone and called Mac. Unfortunately, he was unvailable. Why is life so complicated?

I was all day just watching tv and playing FIFA with Lucas. It was 9pm and I was going to sleep. I heard some little noises downstairs, but didn't bothered to go look. I was too tired and soon I fell asleep.


Hi guys!!! I hope you like my story. I won't be updating that much anymore, because I've got a lot of school stufs to do.
Aaand ofc HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY to my biggest idols Marcus and Martinus!!!

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