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Martinus' POV

Candy: I-I-I....

There was an akward silence. I probably need to apologize.

Me: Sorry Candy. I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought that Marcus would be angry if he would know that I know you. We said that we would be good boys that time, but I made a mistake. I really am sorry.

Candy: You are a jerk and you know that. I'll never forgive you. You looked like a good person, but sadly you aren't.

Then she went back down. I was here alone. She didn't forgive me. How is this even possible? Everyone always forgive me. I guess she's not like the others.

I went downstairs and sat down next to Mac. I can hear mum and dad talking with others.

Mum: Marcus, Martinus, come here and say goodbye to everyone!

Mac: We're comming!

We run to kitchen and said our goodbye to everyone. I waited for Mac and then went straight to my room.

I changed and go to bed. It was pretty early, but I didn't care. Maybe Candy will forgive me tomorrow. I hope so.

~next day~

I woke up in the morning. I looked what time it was. 5am. No one is awake yet.

I changed, grabbed something to eat and left a note. I write that I went to the field to play some football.

As I was walking, I heard steps behind me. I didn't bother to look back so I continued walking.

I made it to the field and played some football. I saw Mac runnig to me with my bag in his arms.

Mac: We need to go to school!

Me: I'm coming!

We slowly walk to school and most of the way was silent. We talked about random stufs that happened to us.

We arrived to school and went to our lockers. Marcus' locker was next to Candy's. My locker was far away.

Candy's POV

I walked to school and went to my locker. I saw Marcus here so I said hi to him.

Marcus: Hi, how are you?

Me: Good. Let's get to class.

Marcus: What about Martinus? We need to wait for him.

Me: Whatever. He knows how to get there, c'mon.

Marcus: You're probably right.

We ran to classroom and left Martinus behind. We sat together in the back of the class.

Teacher walked in and said goodmorning. Martinus walked in and make an excuse. He then sat on the other side of classroom.

All lesson he was staring at me. I tried not to look at him but nothing worked. Just next lesson and then lunch I said to myself.

We had art now. I sit down and someone sit down beside me. I turned my head to see Martinus. Why can't he just stay away from me?

Then teacher walked in and gave us our work. We need to draw our partner. She was calling names and I was waiting to see with who I am. Then I heard Candy and Marcus. Oh God, thank you.

I sat down beside him and we started to draw. When I finished, I handed my picture to teacher. She said it was really good.

~at lunch~

I found my BFF sitting in the corner all alone. I went to her and we talked all the time. After half of hour I needed to get back to my class.

~after school~

I put my books in the locker and then started to walk home. Someone came behind me and stopped me.

Marcus: Can we walk home with you, since we are neighbours?

Me: No problem.

All the way home I was talking with Marcus about everything. I gave him my number and he gave me his.

I opened the door and say hi to my mum. Everyone was home so I went to my room. I saw text from Marcus.

Marcus: bold
Me: italic

Hey, I was wondering if you want to go to school with me tomorrow. And if you want to come after school?

Sure. What about Martinus? Is he going to be with us?

I don't think so. He is sick. He won't come to school tomorrow.

Okay. See you tomorrow (:

I did my homework and help my mum. Then I went to my room and listened to music. I decided to text Marcus.

Hey (:

Hey (: How are you? I'm super bored rn. Would you like to come to me?

Yeah, sure. I'll be there in five.

I throw on ripped blue jeans and white sweater. I put on my jacket and make sure i took my phone with me. I asked my mum and then went to see Marcus.

Marcus' POV

Me: Tinus! Candy is comming!

Tinus: What!!! Are you serious?!

Me: Totally!

I smiled my evil smile and then went down because Candy was probably here. I opened the door and she said hi to everyone.

We went up to my room and sit on my bed. There was an akward silence until...

You'll never change/Martinus GunnarsenWhere stories live. Discover now