Chapter 4: What Have You Been Doing Keith?

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Your POV:

     "No. No, you– Nope. Nonononono. No, you don't. I'm saving...,"–Lance looked at me–" [NAME]?!"

     "Hey, I can explain," I said. "But we don't have enough time right now," I looked at my watch. Lance then looked away from me and to Keith. He then helped pick up Shiro and they both started a conversation. 

     While they were at it, I took a second to look over at who entered the room with Lance. One of them was short with ginger hair and the other was about a foot taller than the other with dark brown hair. In a gesture of greeting, I nodded towards them.

     The one with dark brown hair was the first to speak. "Aw man, they're coming back and they do not look happy. We gotta go!"

     We all started moving out of the compound. We raced towards Keith's bike and the brown haired guy spoke again. "Do you mind if we catch a ride with you?" He said, talking to Keith and me. Because Keith didn't answer, I assumed that it meant that I could answer. I nodded towards him. Then, everyone got on his motorbike. I sat right behind Keith. I looked behind me and saw that the ginger and Lance were carrying Shiro. 

     "Is this... thing going to be big enough for all of us?" the ginger asked Keith.

     "No," Keith said annoyed as he started the motorbike. And we started racing through the desert with the soldiers on our tails. All that I heard behind me were some shouts, but all that my mind could focus on was that we needed to get out of here before we got caught. All of the sudden, we leaned left hard, and then right. Then we started to approach a cliff.

     "KEITH, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yelled in front of me as Keith was speeding up towards to cliff. "YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" 

     "JUST SHUT UP AND TRUST ME!" He yelled back at all of us. 

     And we drove over the cliff, onto the ground below it. We must have dropped about 70 feet. And we continued driving to safety. I turned around and saw that we were no longer being chased. We were fine for now.

     "Keith, you're an idiot," I told him. I heard the others behind us agree.

     "An idiot that saved your asses from the military?" He said, still facing forward and driving his motorbike.



     We were at Keith's house, or, what I thought was Keith's house. Shiro, Keith, and I were outside and trying to find answers from Shiro. After he changed out of his outfit from earlier. Now he was wearing a black shirt and black jeans. His hair was brushed through and he didn't look like he had spent two years as a prisoner anymore. 

     We were all looking at the sunrise. Last night, we had escaped from the military and had traveled all night. 

     "It's good to have you back," Keith said to Shiro. He put a hand on his shoulder. 

     "Agreed," I said. 

     "Well, it's good to be back," Shiro said looking back at us. 

     "So what happened out there?" Keith asked. "Where were you?"

     Shiro sighed. "I wish I could tell you. My head's... still pretty scrambled... I was on an... alien ship. And... somehow, I escaped. It's all a blur."

     He took a while before saying the next sentence. "How... How did you know to come save me when I crashed?"

     Now that I think about it, how did Keith know that it was Shiro? He never told me when he picked me up and he didn't tell me while we were running for our lives.

     Keith paused. "You should come see this," And he led us to his house. We walked into the house to see Lance, the ginger, and the big guy all talking about something. I couldn't catch what exactly they were talking about. 

     Keith walked over to his wall and pulled off a sheet that he used to cover something up. Under the sheet, we saw a bunch of pictures and maps with strings attached to each one of them.

     "What have you been working on?" Shiro asked.

     "Geez Keith, I didn't know you liked to scrutinize," I said. 

     He ignored my comment. "I can't explain it really. After getting booted from the Garrison, I got kinda... lost and felt drawn out to this place," he said. "It's like something... some energy, wanted me to search."

     "For what?" Shiro asked. 

     "Well, I didn't really know at the time. Until I stumbled across this area," He pointed to a picture of a few mountains on the wall. "It's an outcropping of giant boulders with caves, covered in these ancient markings. Each tells a slightly different about a blue lion.

     "But they all share clues leading to some event. Some... arrival that happening last night... then you showed up,"

     Shiro turned to us. "I should... thank you all for getting me out,"–He turned to Lance and held out his hand–"Lance, right?"

     Lance hesitated before he took it. 

     "The nervous guy's name is Hunk. I'm Pidge," the ginger, or should I say Pidge, said. "So, did anyone else from your crew make it out?" Pidge asked a little more curiously and worried that he's said anything else. 

     "I'm not sure. I remember the mission and being captured. After that, it's... just bits and pieces,"

     "Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but back to the ALIENS, where are they now? Are they coming? Are they coming for all of us? Like, where are they at this very moment?" Hunk asked, obviously anxious. I could sympathize with him on that.

     "I... can't really put it together," Shiro said. "I remember the word: Voltron. It's... some kind of weapon they're looking for. I don't know why. Whatever it is, I think we need to find it before they do,"

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